Not substantial; without substance.
Intellectual historians have made much of the so called “linguistic turn” in contemporary philosophy. While its importance cannot be doubted, its true nature and status may still be debated. It is our conviction, however, that if one may speak of a depth structure in twentieth century thinking, the linguistic turn may yet remain a surface phenomenon. For lying deeper than the linguistic turn is the “Non-substantial Turn” – a far more pervasive and decisive movement that has constituted the one thread going through the various major strands of contemporary thinking: from relativity and quantum physics to holographic cosmology, from process philosophy to system theory, from deep ecology to green peace, from structuralism to deconstruction, from critical theory to gender studies, from existentialism to hermeneutics, and so on. (FIELD-BEING INTERPRETATION OF BUDDHIST PHILOSOPHY: Nine Essays on Its Relational Activity, by Albert Shansky, Xlibris, 2015, kindle location 241/1842)
你現在可以理解,為什麼 negativity vs vitality,這麼困難了罷,
意思是說,真正的 vitality,的前提是,真正的 negativity,
意思是說,其他都是,errand boys,收帳小弟,