Friday, August 5, 2016


8/5, 1:27 PM, hot noon, wounded pigeon, check it out, later on, disappeared. 137,  時評耗神, barking,   useless,   meaningless,   worthless,     愚蠢不義,   日日東昇,    back to Douglas Detrick 1989,   interestingly,   seemed to vanish afterwards,   only two articles (1985, 1986) in the pep-web
8/5, 6:53 PM, 宜亨 thesis proposal,  a la Bacon.  (亞)熱帶的溽暑   如何呈現慾望   如何呈現毀滅   如何呈現無聊   如何呈現孤獨   如何呈現死亡   呈現在先    把論述    交給無能呈現的藝評家
8/6. 6:34 AM. 文字的藝術  影像的藝術  敘事的藝術  思想的藝術  洗碗的藝術  性愛的藝術   關鍵是藝術兩字   立秋前日   今夏缺自然風   高溫悶熱   十分難熬    只能一天一天過完   不要喝酒   賊窩續扮理學家   象山怎麼死的    據考一天三包菸咳死   擇一比較研究   一直回到尤里西斯   吃的不多   偶而吃一點農藥應該還好   我是說桂格麥片   躺床放辦公室   讓蟲子須爬樓用餐   有雲   劉大任不該玩造園盆景   這把年紀    不值    明顯困在惡性循環    不打算靠諂媚屈膝過日    那你怎麼過日

8/6. 8:00 AM. count down
8/6. 11:00 AM. 貓媽不見蹤影兩周剛剛回來與小貓聚

8/6. 12:19 Noon. ... on or about December, 1910, human character changed (Virginia Woolf) 
8/6.  3:46 PM. ... the connections that Deleuze establishes between literature and the clinic are central to understanding how a philosophy of Difference articulates itself in grounded practices. ... literature is not understood in the familiar sense of narrative approaches in therapy, but as a way of being in language. (Lichterliein & Morss, 2016, preface, italics added) With Deleuze we find inspiration in the creativity of the artist for visions of an energised psychology. (ibid, afterword)
8/6. 5:43 PM. 古阿莫是台灣的王大錘教我看了不少電影股摸零是一個台灣傑出青年他決定暑假後要重念大一第十七次明年參加世大運龜兔賽跑不確定他是龜還是兔
8/6. 10:50 PM. busy. call it a day. dinner. finally. 4 ER so far. one alcoholism with pancreatitis H2.
8/7. 8:25 AM. 艷陽喝水德勒茲. 今日立秋. 立秋得馨 天地始肅.

8/7. 9:44 AM. 往常值班三日可讀一本Jack Reacher或Matthew Scudder.  now一本德勒茲. a walk in the park
8/7. 1:25 PM. Encyclopedia of Critical Psychology (2014, FJU online)
8/7. 7:29 PM. 假裝明天是今天後的另一天不是第三天
8/8. 7:08 AM. J&J&D  有點安慰  是一個支撐.   D&G本質上是藝術家.
8/8. 5:01 PM. iced coke. take a break. 4 consults to go, tomorrow morning.
8/8. 8:41 PM. back from the trenches just now.
8/9. 1:23 AM. wake up by, delirium with fever, adm 8/4. three hours before dawn