Saturday, October 8, 2016

48 hours

10/8 6:43 PM. frantic. five talks ahead. already >5. rough, however.
已訂陳獻章集.   找不到簡又文.  也許須找湛若水(甘泉)(1466-1560).  碩博六篇陳白沙.
10/8 7:05 PM. Lightnin' Hopkins (1912-1982)
10/8 7:47 PM. 失去自由才找到自由. 所有獄中書寫皆源自此. 當然老威會說他找到洞簫.
10/8 9:11 PM. 2004-2016. well. enough. quit.
10/8 11:42 PM. H2 D君狂亂打人.
10/9 7:12 AM. 這個政權陰柔邪惡伙食講究吃相明顯進步極度擅長說謊翻臉製造分化對立分工細緻貼心惡搞你的時候還會笑笑跟你說有點痛喔多搞幾次等一下就不痛了王小明笑笑說的確被搞幾個月下來真的不很痛了
10/9 8:54 AM. 陳獻章到了 the lessons of PBE (practice-based evidence) and actuarial methods for monitoring clinical progress. a la Michael Lambert, Barry Duncan, etc. be less sure (i.e. more skeptical) about oneself. be more alert to patient's changes. be more timely to respond, to change gear accordingly, to honestly challenge oneself (one's assumptions, one's master plan, one's judgement, etc), to ponder upon the situation again, and again. and if it is doomed to fail, fail better, this time. see. it's like fucking war. strategy is important, ruthless sacrifice is necessary, no such thing as fucking graceful wisdom, shit happens all the time.
10/9 11:29 AM. frantic, as usual. raining, cool.
10/9 11:46 AM. whiskey in the jar. a fucking happy song with tears in the eyes.
10/9 12:38 PM. the rumjacks. a bunch of happy guys from sydney. all properly tattooed.
10/9 3:49 PM. another PPT (QR).
10/9 6:29 PM.
10/9 9:27 PM. uneventful. so far. L at ER. pancytopenia. cause? platelet 9000 !!! 121000 after B/T platelet 2 u.
10/9 11:31 PM. zizek was jobless from 1973 to 1977. a blessing in disguise. he said. years later. actually. years of hardship. they were. I think. his cynical laughter came from those years.
10/10 1:15 AM. mosquitoes? in deep autumn. keep L at ER. till Tuesday morning, hema should be consulted, then decide adm or not. physical condition worrisome. WBC 1880. platelet may fall again. cellulitis bil low limbs. sepsis is possible. where does the thrill come from in our times? biohazard? viral pandemics? zombies? wars on earth or in outer space? disasters? financial crash? spy and espionage? revengeful crime? psychopathic crime? cornered in the metro station through long dark night? supernatural stuff, like ghosts, or apocalypse? well, you see, we've used up the thrillers, and without thrills, you see, we're doomed to boredom.
10/10 5:42 AM. quiet night. so far.
10/10 7:09 AM. quiet. morning. still. 舞鶴在哪裡鬼混. 等一下去取陳獻章集.