1. 宋永毅廣西檔案置文革五十年後
2. 失智日照 10/14討論分工 10/15PPT 10/19討論Program Outline
3. 隨時可走還計較什麼
4. 10/18居善 10/27部桃 11/3天晟 11/4高雄 12/3SP 12/21YM 2017(02-06)SP Seminar
5. 讀Gary Greenberg (Manufacturing Depression: The Secret History of a Modern Disease, 2010, kindle) (The Book of Woe: The DSM and the Unmaking of Psychiatry, 2013, scribd) 重讀 Allen Frances (Saving Normal: An Insider's Revolt Against Out-of-Control Psychiatric Diagnosis, DSM-5, Big Pharma, and the Medicalization of Ordinary Life, 2013, kindle & scribd)
6. 這輩子沒有見過貓頭鷹
7. 當然沒有見過那隻有名的Athena或Minerva的貓頭鷹
8. 10/15. 1:50 PM 秋日午後 不喜多言
9. 現象學的關鍵在 主客有感 遂主客皆泯
10.in, an ordinary weekend, we are, as usual, waiting, for, something, to happen, which, as usual, are not, happy things, then, monday, comes, as usual, which, as usual, are not, happy things, either, well, obviously, we, don't need, a camus, to tell us, these, as usuals, as usual
11.最好是 邊走邊想 邊說邊想 邊寫邊想 邊搭火車邊想 邊洗碗邊想 邊等被槍斃邊想 (a la Dostoyevsky)
12.Jason Statham 演過 兩次遊民 一次在Redemption(2013) 另一次找不到 那次他在遊民收容所過夜 隔床的陌生人 腳嚴重感染 隔天早上被發現死在躺床 Jason想了一下 拿走死人的鞋 now 也許我記錯了 疏財仗義 有仇必報 有恩必答 he is an angel (Parker, 2013) a fucking one, of course but, is there any other kind?
13.10/16 11:35 PM. no whining on the yacht.