5/27 windy, no rain, yet, 福氣 (blessing, not luck) is not
something you ask for, is something befalling you, dislikes
"macro" talks, which without exception, are "BIG"
words, 很快裡面有一種很慢很慢裡面有一種很快這種不均勻裡面有一種藍調的靈魂和午後的李侗, Before the
onset of the First World War, we are told, experience was passed down through
the generations in the form of folklore and fairy tales. (The Storyteller:
Tales out of Loneliness, by Walter Benjamin, 2016, kindle location
132-133) With the war came the severing of ‘the red thread of experience’ which
had connected previous generations ... ‘Where do you hear words from the dying
that last and that pass from one generation to the next like a precious ring?’
Benjamin asks. (‘Experience and Poverty’, 1933) (ibid,
kindle location 135-141) 3:42 PM. Why has the pleasure of slowness disappeared? Ah, where have they gone, the amblers of yesteryear? Where have they gone, those loafing heroes of folk song, those vagabonds who roam from one mill to another and bed down under the stars? Have they vanished along with footpaths, with grasslands and clearings, with nature? There is a Czech proverb that describes their easy indolence by a metaphor: “They are gazing at God’s windows.” A person gazing at God’s windows is not bored; he is happy. In our world, indolence has turned into having nothing to do, which is a completely different thing: a person with nothing to do is frustrated, bored, is constantly searching for the activity he lacks. (Milan Kundera, Slowness, p. 2) 5/28 8:37 AM. bright sun, mildly windy, A7 one Lt abd pain, 12:23 Noon. working on David Levine (2017). 5/29 8:01 AM. 關於Levine (2017) 幾個想法一每個地區歷史難題不同書寫者在那裡決定了他的難題二精神分析理論中產階級命格過強視野有限三如此應用精神分析(applied psychoanalysis)沒有預設治療者的存在只是看法沒有(打算)改變四精神分析講的是自我欺騙(self deception)個人如是族群如是時代如是五精神分析講的是生命力和毀滅力的辯證(the dialectics of eros and thanatos)個人如是族群如是時代如是六精神分析講的是自體和他者的辯證(the dialectics of self and other)個人如是族群如是時代如是七精神分析講的是互為主體的難得個人如是族群如是時代如是