Monday, May 15, 2017

「場在」和「在場」 (reading DM 2017-5-15)

5/15 4:55 AM. 微曦 十分鐘前 鳥雀已起身

1.      事實上,我認為這種「在場」便正是一種身心的「在場」(p. 18)   

而這種在場以人的「場在」作為前提,以「自然」作為氣機,便可達到「人牛兩忘」的境界。(p. 18) 

是啊,當我「在場」之時,道自會顯現。這便是創造一種「在場」的條件,而我相信這裡面有「氣」的作用。正是這種身心的全然「在場」,使得「道」能顯現自身,「療癒」便是自然發生之事了。(pp. 18-19) 

觀其上下文  以上三處   紅色字體的「在場」  似為筆誤   應為「場在」 

2.      建議作者參考  Life Witness: Evolution of the Psychotherapist, by T. Byram Karasu, Jason Aronson, 2013   這是一個   西方的學者   晚年來到的「場在」 

      Within five to ten years of practice, the so-called experiential evolution phase, the therapist begins to appropriate techniques from other schools of psychotherapy, and by shifting paradigms, synchronizes himself with the patient’s mind.

      It is from this synchronization that all his techniques begin to evolve.

      This is the essence of the “transtheoretical paradigm”.

      In ancient Greece, “psyche” meant soul --- the principle of life.

      While psychotherapy, even with this transtheoretical embrace, benefited our psychological issues, it was also making us something less.

      The therapist who has transcended his own school of psychotherapy now must transcend the field of psychotherapy itself.

      Furthermore, if he wants to address the patient’s existential issues as well, the therapist first has to come to terms with those issues himself.

      This formative evolution phase of a therapist encompasses a broad education especially in philosophy and spirituality --- secular values distilled from all religions.

      He must find the meaning and purpose of his life, cultivate an authenticity, and become someone whose presence is itself therapeutic.

      All “therapeutic messages” will then naturally emanate from within the therapist’s very self.  

3.       我們認為人的「場在」是「在場」的條件,唯有此,治療師和當事人才能夠真實「相遇」,並使得「療癒力」得以展現自身,即所謂「身心復元」,進而達到人的境界提升與發展。(p. 1) 

有一重要的理念  “use of the therapist’s self”   貫穿「場在」和「在場」   可參考The Therapist's Use of Self, by John Rowan, Michael Jacobs, Open University Press, 2002    而此理念   也貫穿了精神分析的某些學派 

比如說   如此理解的療癒   精神分析的   中間學派   自體心理學   互為主體理論    和關係學派   的關係?   

乃至   如此理解的療癒   與存在治療的關係?   

4.  敘事和療癒   和促成一個人「場在」的關係  

5.  以上3,4   不影響本文的行文和立論   是順著本文的鋪陳   往下想下去的問題    建議可以放在附註   作為伏筆   是對作者的提問   也是期許


作者依第一位審查者意見   將「場在」改為「場有」   這點殊為可惜    

兩個理由   一是海德格的dasein  (German: da "there"; sein "being")   關鍵是在    二是作者顯然原本有意   「場在」相應於「在場」  對比來做論述    這點依我所見    除用詞上的趣味    正是其創見  

如果作者為了忠於其所引用之「場有哲學」   和採納第一位審查者意見   仍決定將「場在」改為「場有」   我會建議作者加註說明這件事   我會希望「場在」vs.「在場」   這一作者的創見   沒有失去