Friday, May 19, 2017

24 ahead

5/19 8:03 PM. 5/20 duty, 5/21 meeting PM, 5/22 duty, 5/23 bvh, 5/24 mc, 5/25 free PM, 5/26 hell as usual, 5/27 cancelled, 5/28 duty, 5/29 free, 5/30 free, meantime, no middle name, jack none reacher, 5/20 5:42 AM. full dawn. any so-called progress needs victims, and credit-collector, both of which, we don't lack, 5/20, 7:57 PM, two er, one stays till tomorrow morning, 5/21, 6:26 AM, bright sun, may not attend it, 打了兩個擦邊界外球,