Thursday, July 6, 2017


7/6 在pure as snow中歸零走快仍會喘等一下應該會下雨過了明天可以稍微休息還不知道第二題是甚麼重看爸爸快長大近年關於中國一線城市三十出頭中產的局不落俗套好看的戲打雷了3:37 PM下雨了再過十分鐘起身post-rock是隱喻的音樂和風樓口花圃出現一隻青竹絲再喝就出事了 7/7 7:44 AM 先前提過關係主義之惡倫理殺人最常說的一句話是媽這是為你好黨國殺人最常說的一句話是大局為重官僚殺人最常說的一句話是依法行政民進黨殺人最常說的一句話是老娘高興不然你要怎樣2017 春藍調沒有停過所以那是一個藍調的作品 1:21 PM 一遊民急診一會談 5:49 PM 急診留觀CM 7/8 2:36 AM Beyond Doer and Done To (Jessica Benjamin 2017) is available (kindle 2017-7-8) 金玉尚不足惜 3:58 AM Evolutionary Psychology (Lance Workman, Will Reader, 3e, 2014) (pdf scribd) Evolutionary Psychiatry (Anthony Stevens, John Price, 2e, 2014) (kindle 2017-7-8) Besides attachment theory (the first evolutionarily-grounded theory of psychopathology and therapy), is there such a thing as evolutionary psychotherapy? e.g. 放牛吃草? Cf Genes on the Couch: Explorations in Evolutionary Psychotherapy (ed Paul Gilbert, Kent Bailey, 2000). 7/9 9:09 AM Bright sun. cough still. 解放軍進城時中研院會剩下幾個院士沒有倉偟逃走水銷就是歸零千里迢迢來到那個街角坐下來喝杯咖啡抽根菸對megacity要求不過如此 This was also the age of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, of Frankenstein and renewed interest in Dracula myths. (ibid p. 16) now, ours is the age of zombies and transformers. 7/9 7:39 PM 雞湯泡飯