Saturday, September 2, 2017

Iain McGilchrist (2009, 2012)

The Divided Brain and the Search for Meaning, by Iain McGilchrist, Yale University Press, 2012
The Master and His Emissary: The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World, by Iain McGilchrist, Yale University Press, 2009 

Q:  Iain GilChrist (2009) 講的是西方世界 那其它世界呢 現在還有其它世界可言嗎


Q:  now, is the right hemisphere the king ?

what about that famous
profound asymmetry ?


In fact the universe has no ‘profound symmetry’ – rather, a profound asymmetry. More than a century ago Louis Pasteur wrote: ‘Life as manifested to us is a function of the asymmetry of the universe … I can even imagine that all living species are primordially, in their structure, in their external forms, functions of cosmic asymmetry.’

Since then physicists have deduced that asymmetry must have been a condition of the origin of the universe: it was the discrepancy between the amounts of matter and antimatter that enabled the material universe to come into existence at all, and for there to be something rather than nothing. Such unidirectional processes as time and entropy are perhaps examples of that fundamental asymmetry in the world we inhabit.


McGilchrist, Iain. The Master and His Emissary: The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World (kindle location 501-507). Yale University Press.

and, does it mean that 500 years ago, the king was not betrayed, and everyone was happy ?

人類的希望   在那非典型的   變異的百分之二點二 


However, in the West at present, about 89 per cent of people are broadly right-handed, and the vast majority of these have speech and the semantic language centres in the left hemisphere – let's call this the standard pattern.


In the other 11 per cent, who are broadly left-handed, there will be variable conformations, which logically must follow one of three patterns: the standard pattern (75%), a simple inversion of the standard pattern (5%), or some rearrangement (20%).


The majority (about 75 per cent) of this 11 per cent still have their speech centres in the left hemisphere, and would appear to follow broadly the standard pattern.


It is, therefore, only about 5 per cent of the population overall who are known not to lateralise for speech in the left hemisphere. Of these some might have a simple inversion of the hemispheres, with everything that normally happens in the right hemisphere happening in the left, and vice versa; there is little significance in this, from the point of view of this book, except that throughout one would have to read ‘right’ for ‘left’, and ‘left’ for ‘right’.


It is only the third group who, it has been posited, may be truly different in their cerebral organization (2.2% of the total population).


(ibid, kindle location 462-472)

我們今天  沒有國王  沒有欽差大臣 

要悍衛的  不是國王  也不是欽差大臣 

是那個賭局  輪流作莊的賭局

所以  我們最重要的工作  就是做賭場的保鏢

這叫做  風塵之中  必有豪傑

當然   廟堂之上  必有雜碎

  好歹   雜碎是輪流的

雜碎是甚麼  你知道吧

為什麼大腦的演化這麼累贅 (redundancy) ?

像一個笨拙的電腦  過時的硬體軟體  都捨不得丟棄的電腦 ?

沒有錯  演化的起因是  生命適應環境的變遷  找到它的出路 

問題是  以前  三四百年前  那個要去適應的環境  是自然的 

現在  是人為的

人少造作一點  少貪婪一點  少怕死一點   少自以為是一點 

或許  那個人為的環境   人為的世界  還可以少造一些孽

   還可以   找到回家   回到自然   的路

這個「或許」  已經沒有或許  已經來不及了