Wednesday, October 23, 2019

are there two turns in late Heidegger ? (Daseinsanalysis)

Contributions to Philosophy (Of the Event), by Martin Heidegger (Author, Editor), Richard Rojcewicz (Translator), Daniela Vallega-Neu (Translator), Indiana University Press, 2012 (1936-1938)

Country Path Conversations, by Martin Heideggr  (Author), Bret W. Davis (Translator), Indiana University Press, 2010 (1945-1946)

Bremen and Freiburg Lectures: Insight Into That Which Is and Basic Principles of Thinking, by Martin Heidegger (Author), Andrew J. Mitchell (Translator), Indiana University Press, 2012 (1949)

Discourse on Thinking: A Translation of Gelassenheit, by Martin Heidegger (Author), John M. Anderson (Translator), E. Hans Freund (Translator), Harper & Row, 1966 (1959)

Zollikon Seminars: Protocols - Conversations – Letters, by Martin Heidegger (Author), 
Medard Boss (Editor), Franz Mayr (Translator), Northwestern University Press, 2001 (1959-1969)

Poetry, Language, Thought, by Martin Heidegger (Author), Albert Hofstadter (Translator), Harper & Row, 1971 (1971, English edition)

being-in-the-world (1927)
*ereignis (1936-1938)
country path conversations (1944-1945)
*the fourfold (1949)
building dwelling thinking (1951) (in Basic Writings)
gelassenheit (1959)
Zollikon Seminars (1959-1969)
poetry language thought (1971 English edition)

like he said, these are
paths, not works

the event of appropriation, language, poetry, dwelling, fourfold, the thing, gelassenheit, technology (will to will), meditative thinking, onto-theology, only a god can save us

what did he say, after 1946 ?

the question remains, did the Zollikon seminars contain the above all ? (1959-1969)