Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Nihilism - why is there something, rather than nothing (Daseinsanalysis)

1.      Martin Heidegger and European Nihilism, by Karl Lowith (Author), Richard Wolin (Editor), Gary Steiner (Translator), Columbia University Press, 1995

2.      Friedrich Nietzsche and European Nihilism (Nietzsche Now), by Paul van Tongeren, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018

3.      The Abyss of the self: How to survive deepest nihilism? by Don Nieve, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2018 (kindle refund 2019-10-22)

4.      The Self-Overcoming of Nihilism, by Keiji Nishitani (Author), Setsuko Aihara (Translator), Graham Parkes (Translator), SUNY Press, 1990

5.      Philosophers of Nothingness: An Essay on the Kyoto School, by James W. Heisig, University of Hawaii Press, 2001   

In James Heisig's Philosophers of Nothingness Nishitani is quoted as saying "The fundamental problem of my life … has always been, to put it simply, the overcoming of nihilism through nihilism."

6.      Because Metaphysics has in one way or another sought to banish or ignore this unaccountable source of man and Being, Heidegger follows Nietzsche in identifying the history of metaphysics as nihilism. (Martin Heidegger: Basic Writings, 1977, p. 103)