(David W. Chappell, 1992) Hermeneutic Phases in Chinese Buddhism, in Buddhist Hermeneutics, ed. by Donald S. Lopez, University of Hawaii Press, 1992, pp. 175-206
Even when restricted to early Chinese Buddhism, early Pure Land, and earlv Ch’an, the range of materials is vast. Accordingly, I will employ as a heuristic device a scheme of three hermeneutical phases to assist in analysis and comparison
1 If we assume that new religions arise in a period of crisis, when individuals actively seek a more viable way to resolve conflict and affirm personal worth, the first stage of a new religion involves the discovery of a new interpretation and practice that will resolve the sense of personal crisis m an ultimately satisfying way
2 Scriptures are used to legitimize the new interpretation and practice, usually m a process of integration with the established traditon. As a result a new coherent world view is formed, and the new principles are elaborated and extensively illustrated by scripture. Exegesis in this phase attempts to show how the new interpretation is supported and authenticated by the authoritative tradition
3 Finally, a phase of systematic propagation of the religion begins, in which the new interpretation is streamlined, superfluous or controversial features are omitted or explicitly rejected, catechisms are produced, and programs of practice are institutionalized. This simplification or reductionism takes place out of a concern to indoctrinate new members and to establish the superiority of this new orthodoxy over other paths, rather than showing how they can be integrated. (ibid, p. 176)
Chan-jan 湛然
Chih-i 智顗
Ching-te ch'uan-teng lu 景德傳燈錄
ching-tso ssu-wei 靜坐思惟
ching-t'u 淨土
Ching-t'u lun 淨土論
Ching-t'u shih-i lun 淨土十疑論
Ching-t'u wang-sheng chuan 淨土往生傳
Ching-ying Hui-yuan 淨影慧遠
ch’ing-t’an 淸談
Ch’u san-tsang chih chi 出三藏記集
Ch’uan fa-pao chi 傳法寶紀
Erh-ju ssu-hsing lun 二入四行論
Fa-ch’ung 法沖
Fa-hua hsuan-i 法華玄義
Fa-ju 法如
Fei-hsi 飛錫
hsiang 相
Hsiu-hsin yao lun 修心要論
hsuan-hsueh 玄學
Hui-chiao 慧皎
Hui-ssu 慧思
Hung-jen 弘忍
Hung-ming chi 弘明集
Ju-tao an-hsin yao fang-pien fa-men 入道安心要方便法門
Kao-seng chuan 高僧傳
ko-i 格義
Kuan-hsin lun 觀心論
Kuan Wu-liang-shou ching shu 觀無量壽經疏
kung-an 公案
Leng-ch'ie shih-tz'u chi 愣伽師資記
Lueh chu-ching-lun nien-fo fa-men wang-sheng ching-t'u chi 略諸經論念佛法門往生淨土集
Lueh-lun An-lo Ching-t’u i 略論安樂淨土義
Lu-shan Hui-yuan 盧山慧遠
Ma-tsu 馬祖
Ma-tsu yu-lu 馬祖語錄
Ming-seng chuan 名僧傳
mo-fa 末法
Nien-fo ching 念佛鏡
Nien-fo san-mei pao-wang lun 念佛三昧寶王論
Pan-chou san-mei ching 般舟三昧經
p’an-chiao 判敎
Pao-ch'ang 寶唱
Pi-ch’iu-ni chuan 比丘尼傳
Seng-yu 僧祐
Shan-tao 善導
Shen-hsiu 神秀
Shih-chia p’u 釋迦譜
Shih Ching-t’u ch'un-i lun 釋淨土群疑論
shih fang-pien 時方便
Shih lao chih 釋老志
Ta-chi ching 大集經
T'an-luan 曇鷲
Tao-ch’o 道綽
Tao-hsin 道信
t'i 體
T'ien-t’ai 天台
Tsan-ning 贊寧
tsung 宗
Tzu-min Hui-jih 慈愍慧日
Wang-sheng lun-chu 往生論註
Wei-shou 魏收
wu-cheng-hsing 五正行
wu-cho 五濁
Wu fang-pien 五方便
yu-lu 語錄
Yuan-ming lun 圓明論
yung 用