Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Psychology of Apocalypse (Michael Adzema, Gonzo Sage Media, 2018)

How do we become sane in an insane human world — a world that is at war with its own home, that is burning down its own house, even as it barricades itself on the couch, watching television and eating chips from plastic bags that will not decompose, and so simply adding more fuel to the inferno already raging all around.

Amazingly, in the context of a vision of humanity set within Nature, as one planetmate among all the others, and clearly having gone through a *devolution* from Nature, not an arrogant transcendence above Nature, allowing us *dominion* over it, we are seen to be quite insane.

It is not that there is no basis for establishing what is sane. What is sanity then? Continuing from concepts first brought out in *Wounded Deer and Centaurs*, this work shows just what sanity looks like in our current situation. It requires we look at the deepest roots of our personality created out of the experiences we have in common during our womb and birth experiences — our prenatal and perinatal templates.

Beyond that, the only sane response to an emergency is activism … and the sanest response is heroism. Not sainthood. Not enlightenment. Not social status. Not corporate success. Not any kind of material achievement. No. the only sane response to a situation where we stand in front of a house on fire is to pick up a bucket. Anything else is numb, unfeeling, quite dissociated, and selfish. And when one is inside that house, the only response is to get out the fire extinguisher, seek to help the ones inside to get free from the flames, to minimize the suffering of others and to save others and oneself, regardless if one succeeds or not. The only sane response is thus heroism. (amazon) (kindle unlimited 2020-5-20)