Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Towards an Ecopsychotherapy (Mary-Jayne Rust, Confer Books, 2020-5-1)

Psychotherapy invites us to tell the story of our human relationships; ecopsychotherapy expands this to include our earth story, the context or continuum in which our human relationships sit.
Ecopsychotherapy is not simply a technique to be applied in therapy: it involves a change in perspective. While practising therapy outdoors is a radical shift that can support and facilitate the healing process, it also acknowledges that our relationship with the earth is both inside and outside ourselves.
As climate chaos quickens and increasing numbers of people are waking up to the seriousness of our environmental crisis, we are becoming more aware of our dysfunctional relationship with the earth – the body on whom we depend for everything. Ecopsychotherapy can help to support our reconnection with nature and to discover hope in turbulent times.

“If psychotherapy is to remain relevant, it must change and recognize that we exist as part of, not apart from, Nature. I trust Mary-Jayne Rust more than anyone else to guide us there.” Jerome Bernstein, Jungian Analyst, author of Living in the Borderland

“In her characteristic style, Mary-Jayne presents ecopsychotherapy in an incisive way, with her richness of experience bringing the subject to life. This thought-provoking book touches on the heart of controversies in this field – our need to grow new terminology – and to actively ensure our spaces are inclusive. This is an invaluable introduction to ecopsychotherapy and is also sure to deepen the work of more seasoned practitioners.”Emma Palmer, Body psychotherapist, BACP-accredited counsellor, ecopsychologist, supervisor, trainer and author of Other Than Mother

“Mary-Jayne Rust has written an important work which broadens the field of psychotherapy to include our inherent connectedness to the more-than-human world. She provides a succinct, heartfelt overview of ecopsychotherapy. Given the current state of global environmental destruction, the wisdom in this book is needed now more than ever.” Jeffrey T Kiehl, Jungian analyst, climate scientist, author of Facing Climate Change (amazon) (kindle 2020-5-19)