Thursday, January 20, 2022

星期四 (van life 手記)

11:10 AM,拒絕沾黏,的後果,當然是,兩袖清風,所以,


其次你要理解,RAV4,油耗是 Altis 兩倍,意思是說,一千五百元加滿油箱,只能跑六百公里,這件事,Toyota 沒有說,意思是說,RAV4 長程,經常性往返代步,不宜,

你知道,「什麼是屁」罷,你「舔」共匪屁眼的時候,聞到的就是屁,這件事你去「問」方「芳」們 (& Co. ) 就知道,

Rewrote 1984, that was what Victor Serge did in "The Case of Comrade Tulayev".

Zama (1956)

Only posthumously has this gloomy self-assessment been disproved. In 1997, the late Chilean writer Roberto Bolaño published a short story, “Sensini,” in which the narrator befriends a writer named Sensini, recognizably Di Benedetto, who is the author of a cult classic about a bureaucrat in the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata. Now living in poverty in Spain, he supplements his meagre income with prize money from municipal literary competitions. Though critics dismissed Sensini’s novel as “Kafka in the colonies,” Bolaño writes, “the book recruited a small group of devoted readers.” Bolaño was one such fan of Di Benedetto’s books, and the posthumous fame of Bolaño’s hardboiled, antipoetic fiction, so far from the surreal and sometimes whimsical tropics of magical realism, may have prepared a welcome for Di Benedetto.