Wednesday, January 11, 2023

1/11/23 (星期三)

12:25  AM,「Write for Your Life」 (Lawrence Block, 1985),Block was in the Seminar business for a couple of years  in the early 1980s,one day seminar,from 10 am to 7 pm,the book itself is composed of 60000 words,which makes sense,10000 words per hour,Block started doing this from 1983,and ran the seminar for about 30 times,before he stopped,

Karen Barad (2007),Alfred North Whitehead (1929),and Martin Heidegger (1989),are essential,

Beware that D&G's,especially G's, guerilla war was meant for fighting capitalism,i.e. we need another guerilla war in China,which is meant for fighting communism,

剛剛想到陳若曦 (b 1938),她號稱「絕不無病呻吟」,當然,不呻吟之外,跟海德格一樣,對於親共的往事,也「絕不道歉」,你要理解,叫床者無病,叫床即呻吟,所以,叫床就是無病呻吟,Lucy 1966-1973 在大陸,不管見到了什麼,我非常確定,沒有見到廣西南寧人吃人,也沒有見到毛澤東在專列上打兩千炮,這兩個呻吟,都沒有病,但都會呻吟,意思是說,都是無病呻吟,

2:46 AM,我想,問題出在,「反國民黨,不意謂,就應該親共產黨」,這句話,就是二十世紀上半葉的中國人的,歷史判斷的邏輯的謬誤,那些跑去延安的傻逼,尤其有點姿色的女知青,以為在山洞裡 ,可以找到馬克思,結果在山洞裡,找到的當然是,毛澤東很有精神的,為人民服務的,不戴套的陽具,

6:28 AM,stiff back,minor soreness of Lt low limb,pacing,alternates with chair rehab,

no nonsense,no bullshit,thinking / writing / talking / living / existing,

Two questions, why therapy, why me,