Now I can see that the tempo was wrong in those two months, before the sciatica recurred. The warning sign started from November, but I disregarded it, till December 8th, when it became incapacitating. In other words, I deserve it. Knowing this, however, gives me relief. Sounds paradoxical, doesn't it?
2:18 PM,鍾鼎山林,各有其志,這是十四歲說的話,這件事,五十二年後,仍讓我十分詫異,殊為不解,
6:02 PM,氣溫陡降,風起,粵劇計時,小時為單位,
David Morrell 強調書寫的動能 (momentum),Michael Connelly 的 Michael Haller 系列,符合此說,動能有點像,動個不停,寫個不停,讀個不停,總之不停,唯望肉身,尚能負荷之,
10:02 PM,now,Ptrick Henson the ex-surfer lived in his car,therefore,he was the first can lifer,in America st least,