Wednesday, January 4, 2023

1/4/23 (星期三)

12:27 AM,the fake killer was out there when Michael Haller left Vincent's office late in the night, Mickey ran back to the office and fetched the gun left by Cisco, and fired two shots to scare the killer away, and called Harry Bosch, who came six minutes later, then they went for a late steak dinner together, in other words, no action, 

8:35 AM,on and off, the pain, on > off, feel weakened, tired often, must be due to lack of sleep and rest, 

10:18 PM,「優良」駕駛,新竹林先生,菱利 180,四驅手排,「轎車胎」,改裝成縮小版加州號,「沒有邊櫃」,床 140 x 180 cm,有限空間,幾乎塞滿,台灣 (亞) 熱帶,不冷不熱,車體不須,保溫隔熱,廚房可省,車邊帳多餘,水箱 30 公升,可用排氣管加熱,居然還要洗澡,何苦來哉,行動馬桶,可以接受,「小結」,折疊床,氣墊 (?),睡袋,小儲電池,RAV4,LED 燈,雜物置行李袋,桶水,乾糧,濾掛咖啡,茶,大鋼杯,垃圾袋,小瓦斯爐,小鍋,一有輪置物箱,折疊椅,不確定 RAV4 長度,當後座椅擺平後,你要理解,收納二字,是高雅人仕用詞,你見過「正常」狗窩,上寫收納二字嗎,我說過很多次,比照全球化玩法,盡可能外包 (outsourcing),
