Saturday, January 7, 2023

2023-1-7 (息壤 5-3)

1120107 引言

1. What is schizoanalysis ? 這個問題,是二十一世紀,關於精神分析,以至心理治療,最重要的問題,
2. 迄今論述甚少,罕見的例外,比如說,Manu Bazzano (2021),Ian Parker (2021),
3. 仿 Guerilla metaphysics (Graham Harman, 2005),schizoanalysis 就是 「guerilla psychoanalysis」,

Manu Bazzano (2021) The body-without-organs: A user’s manual, European Journal of Psychotherapy & Counselling, 23:3, 289-303, DOI: 10.1080/13642537.2021.1961833

Parker, I. (2021). Guattari and Us. Free Associations, (83), 73–80.

Guerrilla Metaphysics: Phenomenology and the Carpentry of Things, by Graham Harman, Open Court, 2005


1. 注意,是雙箭頭,
Basic assumption group < --- > working group
PS position < --- > D position
Archaic selfobject need and transference < --- > healthy selfobject need and transference
Edge of chaos < --- > structure or order
闢 < --- > 翕

2. A-signifying semiotics 等同於,「放下能指,你就自由」,