Saturday, February 18, 2023

2/18/23 (星期六)

8:46 AM,


Psychoanalytic autopsy of CCP and Xi

1. Rule by persecution,Rule by fear,Rule by deception,
2. Rule by,打土豪分田地 (新階級),大躍進 (narcissism),文革 (borderline),
3. Rule by,槍桿子,刀把子,筆桿子,錢袋子,
4. 與天鬥,與地鬥,與人鬥,其樂無窮,其邪無窮,其惡無窮,其孽無窮,
5. 毀壞人與人,人與天地,人與鬼神,之間的基本信任 (basic trust),造就邪惡互害的人類社會,
6. 中國需要的批判的心理治療,三觀療法,
7. 迫人指鹿為馬,迫人自我審查,迫人闇啞無聲,
8. 絞肉機,
9. Propaganda,Brainwashing,
10. 尼采說,執意凝視邪惡者,必為邪惡所噬,意思是說,執意滅共者,必與共一起毀滅,「so be it」,
11. 中共不是中國人,中共不讓中國人做人,
12. 精神分析講的是,人怎麼自我欺騙 (self deception),中共講的是,怎麼自我欺騙,以至欺騙世人,
13. 鬥爭就是折騰,不停鬥爭,不停折騰,每一個鬥爭,每一個折騰,都是千萬人頭落地的社會實驗 (social experiment),
14. 把人民的喪事,當成黨的喜事辦,
15. 惡用濫用高科技,監控管控人民,
16. 所作所為,邪惡沒有底線,

8:49 AM

Gelassenheit 就是 1.5,就是非主動,亦非被動,


Gelassenheit was a German word for tranquil submission used in the Christian mystical tradition. It has continued in English in two distinct usages:

  • in Heideggerian usage
  • Often translated as "releasement",[27] Heidegger's concept of Gelassenheit has been explained as "the spirito of disponibilité [availability] before What-Is which permits us simply to let things be in whatever may be their uncertainty and their mystery."[28] Heidegger elaborated the idea of Gelassenheit in 1959, with a homonymous volume which includes two texts: a 1955 talk entitled simply Gelassenheit,[29] and a 'conversation' (Gespräch) entitled Zur Erörterung der Gelassenheit: Aus einem Feldweggespräch über das Denken[30] ("Towards an Explication of Gelassenheit: From a Conversation on a Country Path about Thinking",[31] or "Toward an Emplacing Discussion [Erörterung] of Releasement [Gelassenheit]: From a Country Path Conversation about Thinking").[32] An English translation of this text was published in 1966 as "Conversation on a Country Path about Thinking".[32][33] Heidegger borrowed the term from the Christian mystical tradition, proximately from Meister Eckhart.[31][34][35]

  • in  the Anabaptist tradition
  • An important part of Amish life is Gelassenheit (pronounced [ɡəˈlasn̩haɪt] (listen)), yieldedness, letting be, or submission to the will of God (in modern German approximately: composure, tranquility, serenity). This concept derives from the Bible when Jesus said, "not my will but thine be done,"[8] thereby making individuality, selfishness, and pride, abhorrent (see humility). "He submits to Christ, loses his own will, and yields (Gelassenheit) himself in all areas."[9] Serving others and submitting to God, therefore, permeates all aspects of Amish life. A person’s personality must be modest, reserved, calm, and quiet. The values which must be apparent in a believer’s actions are submission, obedience, humility, and simplicity. Gelassenheit should be the overriding aspect for every person within the Amish community, and it must be viewable through actions and possessions.[10] Lamentations 3:26 "quietly wait," "in the Froschauer [German] Bible reads 'in Gelassenheit' (instead of quietly) – one probable Biblical reference that helped to establish this important 'Anabaptist term.'"[11]
9:00 AM


1:29 PM,
