Thursday, November 16, 2023

Creative Maladjustment, Progressive Politics, and Humanistic Psychology (Elliot Benjamin, 2023-10-23)


In this article, the author gives a personal experiential account of the relationship of Martin Luther King Jr’s formulation of creative maladjustment to progressive politics and humanistic psychology. In particular, the author focuses on what he views as two significant current illustrations of creative maladjustment, which are former U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama’s concept of “going high” and existential humanistic psychologist Kirk Schneider’s concept of “life-enhancing anxiety.” The author relates these conceptualizations to what he perceives as the alarming dangers both in the world and in the United States from the horrific possibilities of nuclear war, climate devastation, and the destruction of U.S. democracy. More specifically, the author focuses on what he views as the disastrous possibility of Donald Trump becoming President of the United States in 2024. The author discusses all of this in relation to the core principles of humanistic psychology and to progressive political grass roots actions, and shares some of his own relevant experiences in this regard.