Deleuze, G. (1988). What is a dispositif? In: Lapoujade, D. (ed.) Two regimes of
madness New York: Semiotext(e).
Larroche, Valerie (2019). The Dispositif: A Concept for Information and Communication Sciences. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons
Dispositif is translated variously, even in the same book, as 'device', 'machinery', 'apparatus', 'construction', and 'deployment'. 翻譯成中文,就是「維穩」機制,「維穩」部隊,比如說,城管,農管,文管,國安,武警,網信辦,紀委,公安,大白,意思是說,共匪要中國人叫他們「警察叔叔」的那些魚肉百姓的畜牲,意思是說,當中國人抗暴起義,十四億隻菜刀,十四億塊磚頭,首先要殺的就是這些畜牲,
Ego 是 mental apparatus,所以 ego 屬 Dispositif,意思是說,ego 就是維穩,是一個骯髒字,雖然時時勤拂拭,莫使惹塵埃,親自部署,親自指揮,套話大話,頭頭是道,其實狗屁倒灶,敗絮其中,