Hegel calls this dynamic aspect of his thinking the power of "negation". It is by means of this "negativity" of thought that the static (or habitual) becomes discarded or dissolved, made fluid and adaptable, and recovers its eagerness to push on towards "the whole".
Dialectical thinking derives its dynamic of negation from its ability to reveal "contradictions" within almost any category or identity.
Hegel's "contradiction" does not simply mean a mechanical denial or opposition. Indeed, he challenges the classical notion of static self-identity, A = A, or A not= non-A.
By negation or contradiction, Hegel means a wide variety of relations difference, opposition, reflection or relation. It can indicate the mere insufficiency of a category or its incoherence. Most dramatically, categories are sometimes shown to be self-contradictory.
我想,黑格爾的 negative,來自他對 totality 和 absolute 的執著,以致所有未臻完整和絕對的論述,都遲早會被「否定」,以致開始下一輪辯證,now,如果你對完整和絕對,沒有這麼執著,馬馬虎虎,差不多就可以,那你就不會被否定,你就不需要無止盡的辨證,你要理解,中國人是有名的「指鹿為馬」,「指鼠為鴨」,差不多就好,沒有所謂 will to truth,只有 will to compromise ,所以「所謂」中國文明,是無止盡的重覆,而非無止盡的辯證,意思是說,中國文明只在先秦,發生過一次,之後,都不過是,重複欽定的版本,意思是說,秦開啟一統,之後兩千多年,四百多個皇帝,迫使幾千年來,數不清的中國人,失去「存在的張力和尊嚴和辯證」,都「他媽的」白活了,這就是「操」他媽的包子,現在正在做的事,黑格爾說過,中國只有皇帝一人自由,其他人都是窩囊的奴隸,這就是為什麼黑格爾說,中國沒有嚴格意義上,值得被稱為歷史,值得歷史的名,的歷史,