Saturday, November 18, 2023

Francis Baudry

Baudry, F. (1970) The Basic Fault. Therapeutic Aspects of Regression: By Michael Balint, M.D. London: Tavistock Publications, 1968. 205 pp.. Psychoanalytic Quarterly 39:129-130

Baudry, F. (1989) Negation and its Vicissitudes in the History of Psychoanalysis—Its Particular Impact on French Psychoanalysis. Contemporary Psychoanalysis 25:501-508

Baudry, F. (2009) Winnicott's 1968 Visit to the New York Psychoanalytic Society and Institute: A Contextual View. Psychoanalytic Quarterly 78:1059-1090

Baudry, F. (2015) Working Psychoanalytically with Nonneurotic Patients: Theory and Technique: Unrepresented States and the Construction of Meaning: Clinical and Theoretical Contributions. Edited by Howard B. Levine, Gail S. Reed, and Dominique Scarfone. London: Karnac, 2013. 300 pp.. Psychoanalytic Quarterly 84:223-235