這不是自體心理學 (Self Psychology),這是自體的心理學 (Psychology of the Self)。
我 1984 初識自體心理學,仿 “Travels with the Self: Interpreting Psychology as Cultural History, by Philip Cushman, Routledge, 2018” 書名,{與)自體之旅(Travels with the Self),為了加「的」一字,花了我四十年時間。
自體的心理學,須由哲學說起,包括形上學 (含宇宙論和本體論),知識論,倫理學,和美學。
你要理解,相對于後結構主義,P-H-E (現象學-詮釋學-存有哲學) 的世界,幾乎是一個靜止的世界。意思是說,後結構主義的心理治療,強調的是,生成 (becoming) 大于存有 (being),甚且生成就是存有 (becoming is being),變動不居 (immanence) 大于超越 (transcendence),歷程 (process) 大于結構 (structure)。
如此之心理治療,屬事件 (event,Ereignis),但非將事件據為己有 (the event of appropriation),而是被事件事件 (to be appropriated by the event)。
意思是說,否定生命抑或禮讚生命 (Negatively vs Vitality),我希望,最後的那個自體,能夠站著說,死不足畏,生大于死,
2. 自體的心理學的形上學: (一)宇宙論:Cosmology (including history of Earth, evolution of hominid) (
3. 自體的心理學的形上學: (二)本體論:Ontology of immanence and becoming, Agential Realism (Karen Barad), James Bahoh
4. 自體的心理學的知識論: 在二元論的世界討生活,心裡念著吠壇多不二論 (Advaita Verdanta)
5. 自體的心理學的倫理學:目睹著陌生人的苦難,遂伸出陌生人的善意 (ethical turn)
6. 自體的心理學的美學:尋找有趣的生命形態,前衛藝術,行動藝術 (豬哥亮跑路十八年)
7. 車行形上學 (travels with Charley, travels with the self) (吳汝鈞)
8. 自體的心理學的事件:菊次郎十六式 (為岩中花樹所見)
9. 回到歷史,回到自然 (台灣三部曲, 萬仁, 1985, 1995, 1998) (陳白沙)
10. Existential therapy (rebel, flotsam, existential migration, compassion, courage, endurance, bearing witness) (Manu Bazzano)
11. Critical psychotherapy (Del Loewenthal)
12. Decolonial psychotherapy (Daniel Jose Gaztambide)
13. Schizoanalysis (D&G)
14. 變態和成癮:廿一世紀的娛樂 (disintegration products)
15. 否定生命抑或禮讚生命:自體的心理學的最後一章 (The Valley of Light, Terry Kay, 2003)
16. 後人類的世界:物的反撲,人的退位 vs 物的歸位,人的復位 (Francesca Ferrando)
(一) 緣起甚深
1. 這明顯是,順旋轉梯,緩慢而行,的經驗,
2. 意思是說,我不確定,這是上行,還是下行,
3. 意思是說,我更願意相信,這是下行,
4. 來到一個漆黑,見不到光,的所在,
5. 而且,有趣的是,既然是旋轉梯,
6. 你遂一再,回到曾熟悉的地方,
7. 不管,那是上方,還是下方,
8. 而且,更有趣的是,我依稀知道,這是卅年前的,已經知道,
9. 意思是說,其實,從頭到尾,
10. 我沒有離開過,那個地方,
(二) 從哲學說起
自體的心理學的形上學 (車行形上學)
1. 自體的心理學的宇宙論
2. 自體的心理學的本體論
1. 在二元論的世界討生活
2. 心裡信著吠壇多不二論
1. 目睹著陌生人的苦難
2. 遂伸出陌生人的善意
自體的心理學的美學 (行動藝術的可能性)(前衛藝術的可能性)
1. 用力搔著陰囊 (serious scrotum scratching)
2. 點起紙菸,看著遠方
1. 空無 vs 生機 (Negativity vs Vitality)
2. 物的反撲,人的退位 vs 物的歸位,人的復位
3. Agential Realism (Karen Barad)
4. 尋找有趣的生命型態
5. 臨時演員尋找有對白的劇本 (美智子,買兇拍人,2001)
6. 為巖中花樹所見
7. 草木瓦石,皆有良知
8. 事件
9. becoming > being,becoming is being
10. 分裂分析 (schizoanalysis)
11. 體用不二,翕闢成變
12. 所作已辦,為而不有
Benedictus de Spinoza (1632-1677),Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862),John Muir (1838-1914),Paul Shepard (1925-1996),David Smail (1938-2014),Thomas Szasz (1920-2012),Frantz Fanon (1925-1961),R. D. Laing (1927-1989),Paul Gordon,Manu Bazzano,Del Loewenthal,D&G,Antonin Artaud (1896-1948),Georges Bataille (1897-1962),Francis Bacon (1909-1992),「越過時空,在宇宙爆炸,星辰生成,混沌邊緣,相會」,
精神分析外部資源:社會學,歷史學,文學,後結構主義,混沌理論,量子力學,場論,批判的傳統,Decolonizing Therapy (Jennifer Mullan,2023),Decolonial Psychology (Lillian Comas-Diaz,et al,2024),熊十力 (1885-1968),Alfred North Whitehead (1861-1967),陳白沙 (1428-1500),湛甘泉(1466-1560),王陽明 (1472-1529),吳汝鈞,京都學派,阿含經,禪門驪珠集,沙河悲歌,龍天樓,等待果陀,謝德慶
1. Decolonizing Psychoanalytic Technique: Putting Freud on Fanon's Couch, by Daniel José Gaztambide, Palgrave Macmillan, 2024
2. Meeting the Universe Halfway: Quantum Physics and the Entanglement of Matter and Meaning, by Karen Barad, Duke University Press Books, 2007
3. The Art of Being Posthuman: Who Are We in the 21st Century? by Francesca Ferrando, Polity, 2024
4. Psychoanalysis and the Birth of the Self: A Radical Interdisciplinary Approach, by Mark Leffert, Routledge, 2018
5. Pillars of Creation: How the James Webb Telescope Unlocked the Secrets of the Cosmos, by Richard Panek, Little, Brown and Company, 2024
6. The 4-Percent Universe: Dark Matter, Dark Energy, and the Race to Discover the Rest of Reality, by Richard Panek, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2011’
7. The Cosmos: Astronomy in the New Millennium 5 e, by Jay M. Pasachoff, Alex Filippenko, Cambridge University Press, 2019
8. Deleuze and Becoming, by Samantha Bankston, Bloomsbury Academic, 2017
9. History and Becoming: Deleuze's Philosophy of Creativity, by Craig Lundy, Edinburgh University Press, 2012
10. Deleuze: A Philosophy of the Event: together with The Vocabulary of Deleuze, by Francois Zourabichvili, Edinburgh University Press, 2012
11. Crossing the Threshold: Etheric Imagination in the Post-Kantian Process Philosophy of Schelling and Whitehead, by David Segall, Matthew, Integral Imprint, 2023
12. A Thousand Plateaus and Philosophy, ed. Henry Somers-Hall, Jeffrey A. Bell, James Williams, Edinburgh University Press, 2018
13. The Incomplete Project of Schizoanalysis, by Ian Buchanan, Edinburgh University Press, 2021
14. Schizoanalysis and Ecosophy: Reading Deleuze and Guattari (Bloomsbury Studies in Continental Philosophy), by Constantin V. Boundas, Bloomsbury Academic, 2017’
15. The Age of Perversion: Desire and Technology in Psychoanalysis and Culture, by Danielle Knafo, Rocco Lo Bosco, Routledge, 2016
16. Coming Home to the Pleistocene, by Paul Shepard, Florence R. Shepard (ed), Island Press, 2013
17. A Brief History of Earth: Four Billion Years in Eight Chapters, by Andrew H. Knoll, Mariner Books, 2021
18. Vibrant Matter: A Political Ecology of Things, by Jane Bennett, Duke University Press, 2010
19. Deleuze’s Way: Essays in Transverse Ethics and Aesthetics, by Ronald Bogue, Routledge, 2007
20. Thinking with Deleuze, by Ronald Bogus, EUP, 2018