In French, almost all of Foucault's shorter writings, published interviews and miscellany have been published in a collection called Dits et écrits, originally published in four volumes in 1994, latterly in only two volumes.
In English, there are a number of overlapping anthologies, which often use different translations of the overlapping pieces, frequently with different titles. Richard Lynch's bibliography of Foucault's shorter work is invaluable for keeping track of these multiple versions. The major collections in English are:
- Language, Counter-Memory, Practice, edited by Donald F. Bouchard (1977)
- Power/Knowledge, edited by C. Gordon (1980)
- The Foucault Reader, edited by P. Rabinow (1984)
- Politics, Philosophy, Culture: Interviews and Other Writings, 1977–1984, translated by A. Sheridan, edited by L. D. Kritzman (1988)
- Foucault Live (2nd ed.), edited by Sylvère Lotringer (1996)
- The Politics of Truth, edited by Sylvère Lotringer (1997)
- Ethics: subjectivity and truth (Essential Works Vol. 1), edited by P. Rabinow (1997)
- Aesthetics, Method, Epistemology (Essential Works Vol.2), edited by J. D. Faubion (1998)
- Power (Essential Works Vol. 3), edited by J. D. Faubion (2000)
- The Essential Foucault, edited by P. Rabinow and N. Rose (2003)
Collège de France Course Lectures
Year Given | Original French | English Translation |
1970–71 | La Volonté de Savoir (2011) | Lectures on the Will to Know(2013)[3] |
1971–72 | Théories et Institutions Pénales(2015) | Penal Theories and Institutions(2019)[4] |
1972–73 | La Société Punitive (2013) | The Punitive Society (2015)[5] |
1973–74 | Le pouvoir psychiatrique (2003) | Psychiatric Power (2006)[6] |
1974–75 | Les anormaux (1999) | Abnormal (2004)[7] |
1975–76 | ″Il faut défendre la société″(1997) | ″Society Must Be Defended″(2003)[8] |
1977–78 | Sécurité, territoire, population(2004) | Security, Territory, Population(2007)[9] |
1978–79 | Naissance de la biopolitique(2004) | The Birth of Biopolitics (2008)[10] |
1979–80 | Du gouvernement des vivants(2012) | On the Government of the Living(2014)[11] |
1980–81 | Subjectivité et Vérité (2014) | Subjectivity and Truth (2017)[12] |
1981–82 | L'Herméneutique du sujet (2001) | The Hermeneutics of the Subject(2005)[13] |
1982–83 | Le Gouvernement de soi et des autres (2008) | The Government of Self and Others (2010)[14] |
1983–84 | Le courage de la vérité (2009) | The Courage of Truth (2011)[15] |