What is a Novelist? (2006)
The Apologizer (2015)
Encounter: Essays by Milan Kundera (2010)
- The Joke (Žert) (1967)[20]
- Life Is Elsewhere (Život je jinde) (1969)[32]
- The Farewell Waltz (Valčík na rozloučenou) (Original translation title: The Farewell Party) (French version "La Valse aux Adieux") (1972)[53]
- The Book of Laughter and Forgetting (Kniha smíchu a zapomnění) (1979)[13]
- The Unbearable Lightness of Being (Nesnesitelná lehkost bytí) (1984)[31]
- Immortality (Nesmrtelnost) (1988)[69]
- Slowness (La Lenteur) (1995)[13]
- Identity (L'Identité) (1998)[53]
- Ignorance (L'Ignorance) (2000)[35]
- The Festival of Insignificance (La fête de l'insignifiance) (2014)[38]
Short fiction
- Laughable Loves (Směšné lásky) (1969)[70]
- The Apologizer (2015)[71]
Poetry collections
- Člověk zahrada širá (Man: A Wide Garden) (1953)[13]
- Poslední máj (The Last May) (1955) – celebration of Julius Fučík[13]
- Monology (Monologues) (1957)[13]
- Český úděl (The Czech Deal) in Listy (December 1968)[72]
- Radikalizmus a expozice (Radicalism and Exhibitionism) (1969)[73]
- The Art of the Novel (L'art du Roman) (1986)[74]
- Testaments Betrayed: An Essay in Nine Parts (Les testaments trahis: essai) (1993)[74]
- D'en bas tu humeras les roses – rare book in French, illustrated by Ernest Breleur (1993)[74]
- The Curtain (Le Rideau) (2005)[75]
- An Encounter (Une rencontre) (2009)[76] (accessible via perlego)
- Majitelé klíčů (The Owners of the Keys) (1962)[13][77]
- Ptákovina (The Blunder) (1969)[77]
- Jacques and His Master[77](Jakub a jeho pán: Pocta Denisu Diderotovi) (1981)
- A Kidnapped West: The Tragedy of Central Europe (2023)[80]