2. Robert Galatzer-Levy (2016) unavailable yet (after forty years of chaos, of course, still in chaos)
3. 人時地定向感 orientation to ...
time ---- the prison diary, the personal journal, the un-official
chronicle, the Sunday historian's history book, the anecdotes, ruins of the past, the tomb, the graveyard, the migrating birds, the cicada
space ---- the GPS, the map, the landmarks, the street corners, the dark alleys, the trees, the hills and mountains, the lake, the beach, the sky, the stars
person ---- the face, the smell, the faded photo, the worn-out furniture, the memory, the laughter, the tears, the hate, the wounds, the scars, the gratitude and remembrance, the forgetting, the unable to forget, nor to remember
4. http://www.chineseclassic.com/LauTzu/LaoTzu01.htm
5. lean and casual 這是evidence-based good life的高標
6. 沒有脫離系統 但沒有打算信賴系統
7. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5viXpvvYMYELU5ZME9JcVdTNlE/view?usp=sharing
8. 9/16 3:30 AM. full moon, out there
9. 在anthropocene 自然 是人去決定 去定義 去操弄 去掠奪 去糟蹋的 直到自然反撲 毀滅性的反撲 精神分析講的是 被工具理性絕對主宰下 人的潛意識反撲 毀滅性的反撲 上述兩個毀滅性的反撲加起來 天地無情 人亦無情 就是我們的命運
10. 敬畏鬼神 就是敬畏天地 你沒聽過部落的老人說 那是他們的聖山嗎
11. 混沌理論告訴我們一件事 就是線性邏輯有它的限制 過了那個限制 那個地方 你無以明之 控制不了 預測不了 你越造作越糟 你只能點起一柱香默禱
12. 我先前說 讓一個人來到湖邊 我現在越來越悲觀 他回不到湖邊了 不管醒著 還是夢中 我說的湖 當然不是日月潭 也不是人工挖的大池塘 或大壩後的水庫 是那種天地孕育的 人跡罕至的 無名的湖 來到湖邊 是在湖邊 坐下來三天三夜 抽掉半包菸 不是來到湖邊的旅館 只是來到 只是駐足 不是占據 不是擁有 我們可以說 他需要有回到湖邊的回憶 才能撐得下去
13. 9/16 1:57 PM. bad cold 藍調不停 喝水不停 喪屍不停
14. 9/16 3:46 PM. not gone yet, fatigue, generalized soreness, less chest tightness, less phlegm, not sure, low grade fever, 1000 ml hot water q2h, nap q2h,
15. 文革五十年後 補宋永毅 文革機密檔案:廣西報告 (2014)
16. 精神分析處理的歷史 是怎麼樣的歷史 精神分析注定遲到 至少二三十年 所以它處理的 是已被湮滅的歷史 是歷史對人內心造成的後續的影響 是事後的事後的歷史 不看重具體發生的經過 以幽微的想像取勝 基本上還能不能稱之為歷史 是有很大問題的
17. 9/16 11:19 PM. feels better, but D got it too.
18. 9/17 2:41 AM. moon hazy, in the cloud, out there.
19. 9/17 3:40 AM. 起雨
20. 9/17 10:12 AM. 無風 小雨
21. About Energy
fire --- probably more than 1.5 million years ago
agriculture --- began about ten thousand years ago (i.e. holocene)
watermill --- two thousand years ago
windmill --- one thousand years ago
the organic energy regime --- lasted until the 18th century
the fossil fuel energy regime
In late 18th-century England the harnessing of coal exploded the constraints of the organic
energy regime. With fossil fuels, humankind gained access to eons of frozen sunshine ---
maybe 500 million years' worth of prior photosynthesis.
By 1870 we used more fossil fuel energy each year than the annual global production from all
Our species has probably used more energy since 1920 than in all of prior human history.
In the half century before 1950, global energy use slightly more than doubled.
Then in the next half century, it quintupled from the 1950s level.
Since 1950 we have burned around 50 million to 150 million years' worth of it.
Coal outstripped biomass to become the world's primary fuel by about 1890.
King coal reigned for about 75 years, before ceding the throne to oil in about 1965.
King oil's reign, now 50 years in duration, will likely prove to be as brief as coal's, but that
reamins to be seen.
Global Commercial Energy Mix, 2013
Oil 33%
Coal 30%
Natural Gas 24%
Hydroelectric 7%
Nuclear 4%
In 1960, most of the world outside of Europe and North America still used little energy.
In the 50 years after 1965, China increased its energy use by 16 times, India by 11, Egypt by 10
or 11. Meanwhile US energy use rose by about 40%.
The US accounted for 1/3 of the world's energy consumption in 1965, but only 1/5 in 2009;
China accounted for only 5% in 1965, but 1/5 in 2009, and in 2010 surpassed the US to become
the world's largest energy user.
The creation and spread of fossil fuel society was the most environmentally consequential
development of modern times.
22. 時間 靜止在那個瞬間 不過 我們知道 那是不可能的
23. 喪屍為什麼 去過日本韓國 還沒有來台灣 因為我們對毀滅的想像 還在前現代 還沒有到那個地步
24. 死前 再坐一次飛機 去那不重要
25. 死前 當然 不再投票 也許 再刷牙三次
26. 所以 死前 沒有 太多事好做
27. 可能 再看 一本Jack Reacher
28. 9/17 12:56 PM. 仍然無風 無雨 吃稀飯
29. 圍城 表示出不了城 像瘟疫中的俄蘭城
30. 一切 都發生在圍城中
31. 告訴我 那一部喪屍片 值得看第二遍 沒有 對吧 可見拍到現在 浪費了多少化妝 拍不出形上的趣味
32. 喪屍移動的速度 由何決定 為什麼有的慢 有的快
33. 當代文明 是用生產鏈 供應鏈 行銷鏈 廢棄垃圾處理鏈 維持運作的 環環相扣 如果其中環節 無法彌補的出了問題 就會整個崩塌下來 我們就回到鑽木取火 看北極星辨識方向 平均每天移動五十公尺 就像我現在一樣
34. 9/17 3:47 PM. 中雨 無風
35. 9/17 4:56 PM. well, it went north
36. 9/17 9:56 PM. raining, no wind, Deleuze's metaphysics is about continuity (Brent Adkins, 2015, pp. 1-3)
37. 9/18 12:39 PM. two ER. one adm, one pending.
38. 9/18 6:05 PM. today is today. tomorrow is tomorrow.
39. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_-kb4vpIkY a nice and interesting British guy
40. 9/19 2:16 AM. sleepless, bronchitis
41. 9/19 12;15 PM. tired
42. 9/19 1:07 PM. 2 ER. 2 consults (by now). 1 critical (ARDS) in ICU (MMT 100 mg per day, not sure if it was related)
43. 9/19 4:50 PM. 4 consults (by now). break, till 6:00 PM.
44, 9/20 12:55 AM. seven hours to go
45. 9/20 10:24 AM. 圍城五日之後 仍在城裡 沒有打算離城 所以圍與不圍 沒有差別