Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Klute (1971)

now, i was looking for the film, in my memory, in which jane fonda played a pretty and wild prostitute who was reading a book, in the kitchen, late in the night, and this is it, i think, and, why i was looking for that film, was because i talked to L & L this morning, and said that psychotherapist should not earn all his/her living via therapy, he/she should drive taxi, etc, too, to afford his/her being a therapist, otherwise, he/she would have to be an 'effective' therapist, now, as a therapist, ideally, i am totally ineffective in changing you, and if you do experience some change, i'd be very surprised how it came about, so the therapist should learn from jane fonda, after a long day of fucking around, sitting in the kitchen, reading a book, late in the night