Thursday, July 30, 2020

6:53 AM

cloudy, humid, windy, once in a while, free man for thursday, i.e. thursday man; howard caygill on resistance, hopefully not a joke; john heron's fourth wave of humanism / humanistic psychology, sounds like reunion of humanistic psychology and transpersonal psychology, but put the spiritual back to the personal and interpersonal, this conclusion should be called humanistic psychology 3.0, rather than 4.0; apparently he lives in a harmonious world, quite contented; 多年後的自責  他們  畢竟沒有找到路;  洗碗  可以洗出 endorphine 嗎; now, if i am, nothing but, an algorithm, you can be sure, it's an algorithm which gets lost, all the time, and fucking enjoys it, very much; 去年我第一次去宜蘭監獄  在三星鄉迷路了四十分鐘  今年我第二次去  導航王幫我不迷路  但遺憾的是  失去了迷路的快樂  你必須理解  那個地方  是沒有路標  和門牌號碼的  意思是說  是用山巒當成指引的  偏偏那些山  看起來都差不多  意思是說  應該用樹當指引  偏偏那些樹  看起來也都差不多  意思是說  應該用蔥當指引  偏偏那些三星蔥  看起來當然都差不多  而且  你不要指望  問路  被你問的人  也都滿臉  回到自然的  真誠的茫然 ;