有趣的是我還不知道是那三十二句話有點像德勒茲和 Claire Parnet 的對話事先雙方都不知道會說些甚麼唯一確定的是那二十六個字母也有點像少林三十六房
Session 1: (2021-1-12)
a la Country Path Conversations
Why psychotherapy, at all ? (Joel Paris said 'go out "to get a life" ') (Deleuze and Guattari said 'go take a walk in the park, rather than lying on that damned couch for years')
Because although it is a poor substitute, yet, maybe the only chance, left for them, those so very unlucky fellows
多「少」才夠 (how "little" is enough ?)
Why self psychology ? (2020-6-22)
Two dimensions of psychotherapy (ppt)
從李侗 (1093-1163) 說起
This answers 'Why psychology of the self ?'
1. outline / sessions
2. writings of the group members
3. zoom files
4. reference