Sunday, January 16, 2022



Bion 的 O,和拉岡桑的 Big Other,有什麼關係?

Theology after Lacan: The Passion for the Real, ed. ‎Creation Davis, Marcus Pound, Clayton Crockett, James Clarke & Co, 2014

Only after Lacan can theology mean anything at all. (ibid, p. 1)


Big Other ~ Master Signifier ~ The Real ~ “to stop short of the actual object" ~ 


Apparently, this is a fort/da game overenjoyed by the human race.


Therefore, Sisyphus's fate makes perfect sense.


Sisyphus's vacation (2021) 


Novelist Goo-bo who has been writing leaves the house early in the morning with an excited mind to decide whether to publish his novel at a small publishing company where his senior Ki-yeong is the editor-in-chief.

Upon hearing the unexpected news, Goo-bo wanders around the streets in despair and meets various acquaintances accidentally or inevitably...

Release date in Korea : 2021/12


Therein lies Lacan's version of Freud's motto 「Wo es war, soll ich werden」(Where it was, I am to become): not 「The ego should conquer the id」,the site of the unconscious drives, but 「I should dare to approach the site of my truth.」What awaits me 'there' is not a deep Truth I have to identify with, but an unbearable truth I have to learn to live with. (How to read Lacan, Slavoj Zizek, 2006, p. 3)

Now, perverts should hear this. Yet Zizek himself seems not hear this in earnest. 
