Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Emmanuel Carrère (b 1957)



  • Je suis vivant et vous êtes morts (1993) (I Am Alive and You Are Dead: A Journey into the Mind of Philip K. Dick, translated by Timothy Bent, 2005). A somewhat fictionalized biography of Philip K. Dick.

In his book (2020) Yoga, Emmanuel Carrère reveals that he fell ill of a severe form of depression ("bipolar disorder type II”, according to his medical records), with "suicidal thoughts". He says: "Everything that's ever mattered to me, everything I've dreamed of, glory and mansions, love and wisdom, has lost meaning".[13] The medical team, in his case, decided to intervene "with heavy artillery", that is to say with ECT, because it was a mood disorder drug-resistant psychosis, with intractable suicidal tendency. Although having been in treatmentfor thirty years, the writer declares, in the chapter entitled "Histoire de ma folie" (History of my madness), that only the daily lithium salts and ECT saved him.