Sunday, July 31, 2022

The Psychoanalytic Unconscious in a Quantum World: A Contribution to Interactional Psychoanalysis (Gargiulo, 2010)

An electron particle, for example, exists as an energy point when and only when it is observed. Just as what is repressed is known, that is, comes into being, by being identified, i.e., by being interpreted. (Gargiulo, 2010, p. 5)

那如果,只是 identified ,或 recognized,而沒有解釋呢,

意思是說,identified 不等於 interpreted,


這樣算不算,符合 quantum sensibility ,的心理治療,

I believe that the collapse of wave function model can be a useful analogy for what we are doing in clinical practice, when we make an interpretation. When an analyst brings his or her total emotional/feeling, intellectual and physical presence in response to what is likewise brought by the patient - (I include all the vicissitudes of projective identification on both sides) - and selects, by conscious intention, or by creative surprise, to bring something into more conscious focus, to give an interpretation of what is not available to the patient’s full awareness, then, from a clinical perspective, we can speak of creating the repressed unconscious. The interpretation makes what was potentially real, - actually real, very similar to what the collapse of the wave function achieves. (pp. 8-9)

意思是說,最好的治療,是 collapse of wave function 後,resume the wave function ,


The world of larger and larger objects destroys what is referred to as coherent superposition. Decoherence washes out, [according to Bell, 1987] quantum entanglement; putting previously entangled objects into a state where they behave as separate objects (p.xxxiv). (p. 14)

意思是說,decoherence 製造了,存有的幻象,

什麼是 decoherence,decoherence 就是人為造作,