Saturday, August 20, 2022

Four Pests campaign (除四害)

The Four Pests campaign (ChinesepinyinChú Sì Hài), was one of the first actions taken in the Great Leap Forward in China from 1958 to 1962. The four pests to be eliminated were ratsfliesmosquitoes, and sparrows. The extermination of sparrows is also known as the smash sparrows campaign (Chinesepinyin máquè yùndòng) or eliminate sparrows campaign (Chinese消灭麻雀运动pinyinxiāomiè máquè yùndòng), which resulted in severe ecological imbalance, being one of the causes of the Great Chinese Famine. In 1960, the campaign against sparrows was ended and redirected to bed bugs.

By April 1960, Chinese leaders changed their opinion in part due to the influence of ornithologist Tso-hsin Cheng[6] who pointed out that sparrows ate a large number of insects, as well as grains.[7][8] While the campaign was meant to increase yields, concurrent droughts and floods as well as the lacking sparrow population decreased rice yields.[8][9] In the same month, Mao Zedong ordered the campaign against sparrows to end. Sparrows were replaced with bed bugs, as the extermination of sparrows had upset the ecological balance, which subsequently resulted in surging locust and insect populations that destroyed crops due to a lack of a natural predator.[10][11]

With no sparrows to eat them, locust populations ballooned, swarming the country and compounding the ecological problems already caused by the Great Leap Forward, including widespread deforestation and misuse of poisons and pesticides.[9] Ecological imbalance is credited with exacerbating the Great Chinese Famine.[12][13] The Chinese government eventually resorted to importing 250,000 sparrows from the Soviet Union to replenish their population.[14]


Zizek 在 Surplus enjoyment 裡,稱那些被共匪種族滅絕的麻雀是同志,有趣的是,他倒沒有把那被餓死的四千五百萬中國人,說成同志,