Monday, October 31, 2022

SP 2022 (2022-12-24)

1. What is post-structural psychotherapy? (A la evental psychiatry (Vincenzo Di Nicola, 2012), What is evental psychotherapy?) (Cf. schizoanalysis, D&G, 1972, 1980)
2. For example, Georges Bataille (1897-1962) vs Adrien Borel (1886-1966);The Person in Narrative Therapy: A Post-structural, Foucauldian Account (Michael Guilfoyle, 2014);The Designed Self: Psychoanalysis and Contemporary Identities (Carlo Strenger, 2004)
3. Who are there too? (Whitehead (1929), Late Lacan (1970s), Heidegger (1936-1942) (i.e. post - die kehre) )
4. Who can be there? (Probably not suitable for server self disorders, who are too ill to enjoy the ride.)
5. Add:Quantum Psychoanalysis: Essays on Physics, Mind, and Analysis Today (Gerald J. Gargiulo, 2016);Enriching Psychoanalysis: Integrating Concepts from Contemporary Science and Philosophy (John Turtz, Gerald J. Gargiulo, 2022)