Bosch is seventy,which means that Haller must be sixty something,Bosch can still work on cases through Ballard,how about Haller,which means Haller has come to an end,作者與其筆下角色,一起老死,是 Micharl Connelly 和 Lawrence Block 的決定,Lee Child 則決定,將 Jack Reacher 定格在五十歲前,而且交棒其弟,繼續書寫,這個定格,和這個交棒,有沒有必要,能否成功,十分讓人懷疑,
但是,Reacher 一直在移動,而 Scudder 和 Bosch,被綁在紐約和洛杉磯,意思是說,Reacher 不朽的機會比較大,如果你相信不朽的話,
11:43 AM,
waiting for 12:30 PM,
你要理解,繳稅一生,如今無稅,雞毛蒜皮,不足掛齒,此生已承受,太多善意,pro bono 就是迴向,尚復何求,
7:30 PM,
Now,free for 1.5 days,
10:09 PM,Bosch is now in Miami,going to Key West,to look for Fin,