Wednesday, June 7, 2023

6/7/23 (星期三) (RP) (S1)

炎熱,五包菸,停車費,skip 家樂福to avoid rush hour traffic,等 Bernd Huppertz (2023) James Alan Fox (2023) 入 z lib,共匪指鼠為鴨,明赴台企銀八德分行,普丁混帳炸壩,李尚福海外資產有多少,八德無樹,為什麼阿旺記性這麼好,葵花寶典有二,Clinical Diary (Sandor Ferenczi,1933/1985/1988),Zollikon Seminars (Martin Heidegger,1959-1969/2001) (The protocols of the seminars, along with correspondences between Heidegger and Boss, were published in German in 1987 under the title Zollikoner Seminare, Protokolle- Gersprache- Briefe Herausgegeben von Medard Boss (note 382 pages). The English version of the text was published in 2001 (360 pages). Note the later German publication of the HGA 89. Zollikoner Seminare, (2017) is 880 pages and more complete.),洗澡剪指甲,以致文明,梅艷芳就是如花,短期之內,柯暫不可以摘器官和貪污,意思是說,須裝得很嚴肅的樣子,膽識者三,Sullivan,Fairbairn,Bowlby,衝動勇敢,叫我第一名,Ferenczi,被遺忘者三,Sabina Spielrein,Pierre Janet,Ludwig Binswanger,1:11 PM,有風,5:56 PM,無風,