Monday, June 24, 2024

中國房價跌回 2008

Thomas Piketty (b 1971)

In English
  • Atkinson, Anthony Barnes; Piketty, Thomas, eds. (2007). Top Incomes over the Twentieth Century: A Contrast between European and English-Speaking Countries. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0199286881OCLC 883868966.
  • Atkinson, Anthony Barnes; Piketty, Thomas, eds. (2010). Top Incomes: A Global Perspective. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0199286898OCLC 444383200.
  • Capital in the Twenty-First Century (Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press, 2014)
  • About Capital in the Twenty-First Century (AER, 2015)
  • Carbon and Inequality: from Kyoto to Paris (L. Chancel, T. Piketty, PSE, 2015)
  • Chronicles: On Our Troubled Times (Viking, 2016)
  • Why Save the Bankers? And Other Essays on Our Economic and Political Crisis (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2016)
  • Top Incomes in France in the Twentieth Century: Inequality and Redistribution, 1901–1998 (Harvard University Press, 2018)
  • Capital and Ideology (Harvard University Press, 2020)[64]
  • Time for Socialism: Dispatches from a World on Fire, 2016-2021 (Yale University Press, 2021)[65]
  • "The western elite is preventing us from going after the assets of Russia's hyper-rich" (The Guardian, 16 March 2022).[66]
  • A Brief History of Equality, Harvard University Press, 2022, 274p. Data,

6/24/24 (星期一)

你要理解,人非癮不立,其次你要理解,(n - 1) x 100,再者你要理解,地質的形成,最後你要理解,善意是危險的,否則它不足以為善意,one amendment,one correction,one endurance,

Sunday, June 23, 2024

What’s the significance of detecting the gravitational wave? (ChatGPT, 2024-6-23)

Detecting gravitational waves has profound significance in multiple scientific and technological domains:

### 1. **Confirmation of Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity**

   - **Validation of Predictions**: The detection of gravitational waves provides direct confirmation of a key prediction of Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity. These waves are ripples in the fabric of spacetime caused by accelerating massive objects, such as merging black holes or neutron stars [oai_citation:1,CLEPIC: Clinical Epigenetics International Conference 2024 - EpiGenie | Epigenetics, Stem Cell, and Synthetic Biology News](

   - **New Understanding of Gravity**: By observing gravitational waves, scientists can better understand the nature of gravity, particularly in extreme conditions that cannot be replicated on Earth.

### 2. **New Astronomy and Cosmology Tools**

   - **Multi-Messenger Astronomy**: Gravitational wave detection opens a new window in astronomy, allowing scientists to observe cosmic events through both electromagnetic signals and gravitational waves. This approach, known as multi-messenger astronomy, provides a more comprehensive understanding of astrophysical phenomena [oai_citation:2,Frontiers in Genetics | Epigenomics and Epigenetics]( [oai_citation:3,CLEPIC: Clinical Epigenetics International Conference 2024 - EpiGenie | Epigenetics, Stem Cell, and Synthetic Biology News](

   - **Exploring the Universe**: Gravitational waves carry information about their origins that electromagnetic waves cannot. This enables the study of events that are otherwise invisible, such as black hole mergers and the interiors of neutron stars.

### 3. **Understanding Extreme Astrophysical Processes**

   - **Black Hole and Neutron Star Mergers**: Gravitational waves provide direct evidence of black hole and neutron star mergers, offering insights into the properties and dynamics of these extreme objects [oai_citation:4,CLEPIC: Clinical Epigenetics International Conference 2024 - EpiGenie | Epigenetics, Stem Cell, and Synthetic Biology News](

   - **Stellar Evolution and Death**: Observing these events helps scientists understand the life cycles of stars and the formation of black holes and neutron stars.

### 4. **Probing the Early Universe**

   - **Cosmic Inflation**: Gravitational waves can provide information about the early universe, potentially offering evidence for theories such as cosmic inflation—a rapid expansion of the universe that occurred fractions of a second after the Big Bang [oai_citation:5,CLEPIC: Clinical Epigenetics International Conference 2024 - EpiGenie | Epigenetics, Stem Cell, and Synthetic Biology News](

   - **Big Bang and Beyond**: By studying the primordial gravitational waves, scientists can investigate conditions just after the Big Bang, helping to unravel the mysteries of the universe's origin and its fundamental laws.

### 5. **Technological and Methodological Advances**

   - **Precision Instrumentation**: The detection of gravitational waves has driven advances in technology, particularly in precision measurement and laser interferometry. The instruments used, such as the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) and Virgo, are among the most precise measuring devices ever created [oai_citation:6,Frontiers in Genetics | Epigenomics and Epigenetics]( [oai_citation:7,CLEPIC: Clinical Epigenetics International Conference 2024 - EpiGenie | Epigenetics, Stem Cell, and Synthetic Biology News](

   - **Data Analysis Techniques**: The analysis of gravitational wave data requires sophisticated algorithms and computational methods, contributing to advancements in data science and computational physics.

### 6. **New Frontiers in Physics**

   - **Testing General Relativity**: Gravitational wave observations allow for stringent tests of general relativity in strong-field regimes, helping to identify potential deviations or new physics beyond Einstein's theory [oai_citation:8,Frontiers in Genetics | Epigenomics and Epigenetics]( [oai_citation:9,CLEPIC: Clinical Epigenetics International Conference 2024 - EpiGenie | Epigenetics, Stem Cell, and Synthetic Biology News](

   - **Quantum Gravity**: Insights from gravitational wave research may eventually contribute to the development of a quantum theory of gravity, which seeks to unify general relativity with quantum mechanics.

### Conclusion

The detection of gravitational waves represents a milestone in modern science, validating fundamental theories, opening new observational windows, advancing technological capabilities, and potentially leading to revolutionary discoveries about the universe. The continuous observation and study of gravitational waves promise to deepen our understanding of the cosmos and the fundamental forces that govern it.

For further reading, you can explore more detailed discussions from sources like the LIGO Scientific Collaboration and the European Space Agency:

- [LIGO Scientific Collaboration](

- [European Space Agency on Gravitational Waves](

What Jobs Will AI Replace First?

What are the ways to study mind-body (brain-body) problem so far? (ChatGPT, 2024-6-23)

The mind-body (or brain-body) problem is a longstanding philosophical and scientific issue that addresses the relationship between mental processes and physical states. Various approaches have been developed to study and understand this complex relationship. Here are some of the key methods and perspectives:

### 1. **Philosophical Approaches**

   - **Dualism**: Proposed by René Descartes, dualism posits that the mind and body are fundamentally different substances: the mind is non-physical, while the body (including the brain) is physical. This perspective explores how these two substances interact and influence each other.

     - **Substance Dualism**: The idea that mind and body consist of different substances.

     - **Property Dualism**: The belief that mental states are non-physical properties of physical substances.

   - **Physicalism**: This approach asserts that everything about the mind can be explained in physical terms. Variants include:

     - **Identity Theory**: The view that mental states are identical to brain states.

     - **Functionalism**: The idea that mental states are defined by their functional roles rather than their physical makeup.

   - **Emergentism**: This perspective suggests that mental states emerge from physical processes but are not reducible to them. It posits that complex interactions within the brain give rise to consciousness.

   - **Epiphenomenalism**: The view that physical processes in the brain give rise to mental states, but mental states do not influence physical processes.

### 2. **Scientific Approaches**

   - **Neuroscience**: Examines the brain's structure and function to understand how neural activity correlates with mental processes. Techniques include:

     - **Neuroimaging**: Methods like fMRI, PET, and EEG allow scientists to visualize brain activity and correlate it with cognitive functions.

     - **Neurophysiology**: Studies the electrical and chemical activities of neurons to understand how brain processes relate to mental states.

   - **Cognitive Psychology**: Investigates mental processes such as perception, memory, reasoning, and emotion, often using experimental methods to infer the underlying brain mechanisms.

   - **Behavioral Neuroscience**: Explores the relationship between the brain and behavior, often using animal models to study neural mechanisms.

### 3. **Interdisciplinary Approaches**

   - **Psychophysiology**: Studies the relationship between physiological processes and mental states, often using measures like heart rate, skin conductance, and muscle activity.

   - **Psychoneuroimmunology**: Investigates how psychological factors, the nervous system, and the immune system interact, exploring how mental states can affect physical health.

   - **Neurophilosophy**: Combines philosophical analysis with neuroscientific data to address questions about consciousness, free will, and the nature of the self.

### 4. **Computational Approaches**

   - **Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning**: Models cognitive processes using computational algorithms, providing insights into how mental functions can be replicated or understood through artificial systems.

   - **Neural Network Models**: Simulate brain processes using interconnected nodes, mimicking how neurons process information.

### 5. **Clinical and Applied Approaches**

   - **Neuropsychology**: Studies individuals with brain injuries or neurological disorders to understand how damage to specific brain areas affects mental functions.

   - **Mindfulness and Psychotherapy**: Investigates how mental practices and therapeutic interventions can alter brain function and improve mental health.

### Conclusion

The mind-body problem remains a central topic in both philosophy and science. By integrating insights from various disciplines, researchers continue to develop a more comprehensive understanding of how mental and physical processes interact. Each approach provides unique perspectives and tools for exploring this complex relationship.

The psychopharmacology algorithm project at the Harvard South Shore Program: An algorithm for adults with obsessive-compulsive disorder

Psychopharmacology Algorithms

The Psychopharmacology Algorithm Project at the Harvard South Shore Program: An Update on Unipolar Nonpsychotic Depression

The Psychopharmacology Algorithm Project at the Harvard South Shore Program: An update on management of behavioral and psychological symptoms in dementia


Geriatric patients with dementia frequently present with agitation, aggression, psychosis, and other behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD). We present an update of our previously published algorithms for the use of psychopharmacologic agents in these patients taking into account more recent studies and findings in meta-analyses, reviews, and other published algorithms. We propose three algorithms: BPSD in an emergent, urgent, and non-urgent setting. In the emergent setting when intramuscular (IM) administration is necessary, the first-line recommendation is for olanzapine (since IM aripiprazole, previously favored, is no longer available) and haloperidol injection is the second choice, followed by possible consideration of an IM benzodiazepine. In the urgent setting, the first line would be oral second-generation antipsychotics (SGAs) aripiprazole and risperidone. Perhaps next could be then prazosin, and lastly electroconvulsive therapy is a consideration. There are risks associated with these agents, and adverse effects can be severe. Dosing strategies, discontinuation considerations, and side effects are discussed. In the non-emergent setting, medications are proposed for use in the following order: trazodone, donepezil and memantine, antidepressants such as escitalopram and sertraline, SGAs, prazosin, and carbamazepine. Other options with less support but potential future promise are discussed.

關於身心 (negativity vs vitality)

關於身心 (negativity vs vitality)

1. 首先你要理解,我們有心的哲學 (philosophy of the mind),沒有身的哲學 (philosophy of the body),

2. 其次你要理解,心理治療,尤其精神分析,主要靠藉語言來操作,遂為語言遊戲,意思是說,遂為心的戲論,

3. 意思是說,心理治療,以至精神分析,聽不懂身體在說什麼,

4. 我先前說過,身體即使有記憶,身體是健忘的,

5. 不信,你告訴我,你四十年前,那次牙痛,是什麼樣的滋味,

6. 為什麼身體健忘,我想那是因為,身體沒有配備,如同大腦一般的複雜神經迴路,

7. 意思是說,身體另有任務,

8. 但是,你可以理解,中樞神經(大腦),和身體之間,勢必有某種聯結,

9. Stephen Porges (1994) 提出的 Polyvagal Theory,就是說明這個身心的聯結,的例子之一,

10. 簡單講,身體蘊藏著更新世的智慧,心則是全新世,尤其近五千年,有文字以來,人類所造之境 (心如工畫師,能造種種陰),

11. 文明的代價,就是遺忘身體的智慧,意思是說,你我越來越聽不懂,我們的身體,在告訴我們什麼,

12. 身體,可分為感官之身,與特定生理功能之身,前者之例為,眼耳鼻舌,後者之例為,五臟六腑,前者之刺激,多來自外,後者之刺激,多來自內,前者後者遂合為五識,有趣的是,如果後者功能正常運作,你就感受不到它的存在,痛往往是它唯一的語言,

13. 意思是說,疼痛控制 (pain control),理應有其心理學,乃至哲學,

14. 身何以至心,五識何以至第六識,以至第七識,我想是因為,身體察覺接收,內外諸多訊息,身體迫切需要,「一個說法」,意識就是那個說法,而意識初起未久,就急著尋找「一個名字」,作為它的主人,末那識就是那個名字,宣稱那個意識,是他的意識,

15. 意識何以至潛意識,我想是因為,末那識以己為中,自以為是,把這個世界,耍得團團轉,志得意滿之際,有一天,那個人,作了「一個惡夢」,醒來滿頭大汗,發現夢不可解,

14. 夢的定義,就是意識的逃逸,

15. 佛洛依德當年,發現精神分析,就是從「不可解釋的神經學症狀」開始,意思是說,不可解釋的神經學症狀,也是意識的逃逸,然後他發現,語言回憶居然,可以緩解這些不可解釋的神經學症狀,精神分析遂一頭栽進語言回憶的迷宮,忘記了身體,那個薛西弗斯泥濘的身體,意思是說,語言本為促成逃逸,卻變成邊防,防阻逃逸,這件事不得不,讓人感慨惋惜,

16. 七識何以至八識,末那識何以至阿賴耶識,我想是因為,有一天,那個人,「看著星空」,終于知道,

At a more basic level, organisms are made of a large but finite number of atoms. The discrete nature of these subunits limits the amount of information that can be stored in a life-form. An 80kilogram person contains about 1029 particles, for example, and this number sets a corresponding limit on his information content. This large but finite store of information can always be encoded digitally, even if the human brain contains analog components. So the question is not really whether life is digital or analog but whether the amount of information required to represent a person is determined by the number of subunits in the brain (1011 neurons) or by the much larger number of particles (1029) in the whole body.(Origins of Existence: How Life Emerged in the Universe, by Fred C. Adams. The Free Press, 2002, Chap 7)

When viewed from a coarse perspective, the life story of our universe is simple: particles to particles, dust to dust. (ibid, Chap 7)

17. 意思是說,阿賴耶識的定義,就是「緣起甚深」,構成你的身體,以至心理的,十的二十九次方的原子,十的十一次方的神經元,你遲早將,「還諸天地」,

18, 既然遲早要還,回到身心,至此,你終于知道,一切自然就好,

19. 自然的定義,就是身心比例正確,沒有比生命大 (larger than life),

20. 存在的定義,就是在上述前提下,沒有打算,過一個不危險的人生,

21. 比如說,五十萬年前,走出非洲的,那幾千個人,

22. 就是存在治療者,

23. 意思是說,好好作人,而且有一個酣暢的人生,

The Psychopharmacology Algorithm Project at the Harvard South Shore Program: An update on bipolar depression (2019)


Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is still the first-line option for patients in need of urgent treatment. Five medications are recommended for early usage in acute bipolar depression, singly or in combinations when monotherapy fails, the order to be determined by considerations such as side effect vulnerability and patient preference. The five are lamotrigine, lurasidone, lithium, quetiapine, and cariprazine. After trials of these, possible options include antidepressants (bupropion and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are preferred) or valproate (very small evidence-base). In bipolar II depression, the support for antidepressants is a little stronger but depression with mixed features and rapid cycling would usually lead to further postponement of antidepressants. Olanzapine+fluoxetine, though Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved for bipolar depression, is not considered until beyond this point, due to metabolic side effects. The algorithm concludes with a table of other possible treatments that have some evidence.

When the Patient Has Vague Symptoms, Ask the Right Questions

See also

Show me a brief outline of novel psychoactive substances. (ChatGPT, 2024-6-23)

### Brief Outline of Novel Psychoactive Substances (NPS)

#### 1. **Definition**

   - **Novel Psychoactive Substances (NPS)**: These are newly available drugs that mimic the effects of traditional controlled substances (e.g., cannabis, cocaine, MDMA) but are not yet classified as illegal. They are often designed to circumvent existing drug laws.

#### 2. **Categories of NPS**

   - **Synthetic Cannabinoids**: Designed to mimic the effects of THC, the active component in cannabis.

     - **Examples**: Spice, K2

     - **Effects**: Euphoria, relaxation, altered perception

     - **Risks**: Acute toxicity, psychiatric effects, cardiovascular issues [oai_citation:1,CLEPIC: Clinical Epigenetics International Conference 2024 - EpiGenie | Epigenetics, Stem Cell, and Synthetic Biology News](


   - **Synthetic Cathinones**: Often referred to as "bath salts," these mimic the effects of stimulants like amphetamines and cocaine.

     - **Examples**: MDPV, mephedrone

     - **Effects**: Increased energy, euphoria, enhanced sociability

     - **Risks**: Agitation, paranoia, hallucinations, cardiovascular problems [oai_citation:2,Frontiers in Genetics | Epigenomics and Epigenetics](


   - **Novel Benzodiazepines**: Mimic the effects of prescription benzodiazepines.

     - **Examples**: Etizolam, flubromazolam

     - **Effects**: Sedation, anxiolysis, muscle relaxation

     - **Risks**: Dependence, withdrawal symptoms, overdose [oai_citation:3,CLEPIC: Clinical Epigenetics International Conference 2024 - EpiGenie | Epigenetics, Stem Cell, and Synthetic Biology News](


   - **Synthetic Opioids**: Designed to mimic the effects of opioids like morphine and heroin.

     - **Examples**: Fentanyl analogs, U-47700

     - **Effects**: Pain relief, euphoria

     - **Risks**: Respiratory depression, overdose, death [oai_citation:4,Frontiers in Genetics | Epigenomics and Epigenetics](


   - **Psychedelics**: These mimic the effects of traditional hallucinogens like LSD and psilocybin.

     - **Examples**: NBOMe series, 2C series

     - **Effects**: Hallucinations, altered perception, spiritual experiences

     - **Risks**: Psychological distress, paranoia, potential for dangerous behavior [oai_citation:5,CLEPIC: Clinical Epigenetics International Conference 2024 - EpiGenie | Epigenetics, Stem Cell, and Synthetic Biology News](


   - **Dissociatives**: Mimic the effects of dissociative anesthetics like ketamine and PCP.

     - **Examples**: Methoxetamine, diphenidine

     - **Effects**: Detachment from reality, analgesia, hallucinations

     - **Risks**: Cognitive impairment, accidents due to disorientation, potential for addiction [oai_citation:6,Frontiers in Genetics | Epigenomics and Epigenetics](

#### 3. **Legal and Regulatory Status**

   - **Regulatory Challenges**: NPS are often created to evade drug laws, leading to difficulties in regulation and control. Authorities continuously update laws to include new substances.

   - **International Response**: Agencies like the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) monitor and provide guidelines for controlling NPS [oai_citation:7,CLEPIC: Clinical Epigenetics International Conference 2024 - EpiGenie | Epigenetics, Stem Cell, and Synthetic Biology News]( [oai_citation:8,Frontiers in Genetics | Epigenomics and Epigenetics](

#### 4. **Public Health Concerns**

   - **Health Risks**: Many NPS are associated with severe health risks due to their potency, unpredictable effects, and lack of clinical testing.

   - **Emergence and Monitoring**: The rapid emergence of new NPS poses a challenge for public health systems, which must continuously monitor and respond to new threats [oai_citation:9,CLEPIC: Clinical Epigenetics International Conference 2024 - EpiGenie | Epigenetics, Stem Cell, and Synthetic Biology News]( [oai_citation:10,Frontiers in Genetics | Epigenomics and Epigenetics](

### Conclusion

NPS represent a significant and evolving challenge for public health and law enforcement. Continuous monitoring, research, and updating of legal frameworks are essential to mitigate their risks.

For further reading:

- [European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)](

- [United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)](


相思湯使用者之使用因素與經驗 (2022)


What is polyvagal theory, is it scientifically validated? (ChatGPT, 2024-6-23)

### What is Polyvagal Theory?

Polyvagal Theory, developed by Dr. Stephen Porges in the 1990s, is a theory that describes the role of the vagus nerve in emotion regulation, social connection, and fear response. The theory posits that the vagus nerve, which is a critical component of the autonomic nervous system, has three distinct branches that regulate responses to stress and safety:

1. **Dorsal Vagal Complex (DVC)**: This is the most primitive branch, associated with immobilization behaviors (e.g., freeze response) often seen in situations of extreme stress or life-threatening danger.

2. **Sympathetic Nervous System**: This is associated with the fight-or-flight response, preparing the body to either confront or escape threats.

3. **Ventral Vagal Complex (VVC)**: This is the most evolved branch, linked to social communication, self-soothing behaviors, and the ability to engage with others. It facilitates calm states and social bonding by promoting a sense of safety and social engagement.

### Scientific Validation

Polyvagal Theory has garnered significant interest and has influenced various fields, including psychology, psychiatry, trauma therapy, and social neuroscience. Here is an overview of the scientific validation and critiques:

1. **Supporting Evidence**:

   - **Neuroanatomical and Physiological Research**: Studies have supported the existence of different branches of the vagus nerve and their distinct roles in autonomic regulation. The role of the vagus nerve in heart rate variability (HRV) and its connection to emotional and social behaviors has been widely studied and documented [oai_citation:1,CLEPIC: Clinical Epigenetics International Conference 2024 - EpiGenie | Epigenetics, Stem Cell, and Synthetic Biology News]( [oai_citation:2,Frontiers in Genetics | Epigenomics and Epigenetics](

   - **Clinical Applications**: Polyvagal Theory has been applied in trauma therapy, such as in the development of interventions that focus on enhancing vagal tone to improve emotional regulation and social engagement. Techniques like deep breathing and mindfulness are known to stimulate the vagus nerve, supporting the theory's practical applications in therapy [oai_citation:3,CLEPIC: Clinical Epigenetics International Conference 2024 - EpiGenie | Epigenetics, Stem Cell, and Synthetic Biology News]( [oai_citation:4,Frontiers in Genetics | Epigenomics and Epigenetics](

2. **Critiques and Challenges**:

   - **Empirical Validation**: While the theory is compelling and has empirical support, some aspects remain under debate. Critics argue that more rigorous, controlled studies are needed to fully validate all components of the theory, particularly the distinct roles and evolutionary aspects of the vagal pathways.

   - **Complexity of the Autonomic Nervous System**: Some researchers contend that the autonomic nervous system's functioning is more complex than Polyvagal Theory suggests. They argue that the interactions between different autonomic pathways and their effects on behavior and physiology are not fully explained by the theory alone [oai_citation:5,CLEPIC: Clinical Epigenetics International Conference 2024 - EpiGenie | Epigenetics, Stem Cell, and Synthetic Biology News]( [oai_citation:6,Frontiers in Genetics | Epigenomics and Epigenetics](

### Conclusion

Polyvagal Theory offers a valuable framework for understanding the physiological basis of social behavior and emotional regulation. It has influenced therapeutic practices and inspired further research into the autonomic nervous system's role in health and disease. While it has substantial support and application, ongoing research and empirical validation are necessary to address its critiques and refine its concepts.

Polyvagal theory (PVT)

Stephen Porges (b 1945)

  • Porges SW (2011). The Polyvagal Theory: Neurophysiological Foundations of Emotions, Attachment, Communication, and Self-regulation. New York: W.W. Norton & Co. [ISBN missing]
  • Porges SW (2017). Pocket Guide to the Polyvagal Theory – The Transformative Power of Feeling Safe. W.W. Norton & Co. [ISBN missing]
  • Porges SW (2021). Polyvagal Safety: Attachment, Communication, Self-Regulation. New York: W.W. Norton & Co. [ISBN missing]

Saturday, June 22, 2024

THE SIGNIFICANCE OF ERICH FROMM FOR THE PRESENT Rainer Funk in Conversation with Hamid Lechhab (2023)

But does it still make sense to talk about vitality, in philosophy, especially metaphysics? (ChatGPT, 2024-6-22)

While vitalism as a scientific theory has been largely discarded, the concept of vitality still holds significance in philosophy, particularly in metaphysics and discussions of what constitutes life and living beings. Here are several perspectives on why it might still make sense to talk about vitality in philosophical terms:

1. **Philosophical Significance**:

   - **Phenomenology and Existentialism**: Philosophers such as Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Martin Heidegger explored the lived experience and the essence of being. In these frameworks, the concept of vitality pertains to the qualitative aspects of living, including consciousness, intentionality, and the subjective experience of being alive. These aspects are not easily reducible to purely physical or chemical descriptions [oai_citation:1,CLEPIC: Clinical Epigenetics International Conference 2024 - EpiGenie | Epigenetics, Stem Cell, and Synthetic Biology News]( [oai_citation:2,Frontiers in Genetics | Epigenomics and Epigenetics](

   - **Process Philosophy**: Philosophers like Alfred North Whitehead emphasized the dynamic and processual nature of reality. In this context, vitality can be understood as an expression of the inherent dynamism and creativity of life processes, aligning with metaphysical notions that go beyond static physical laws.

2. **Metaphysical Discussions**:

   - **The Nature of Life**: Metaphysics often deals with fundamental questions about the nature of existence and reality. Discussions about what it means to be alive, the distinction between living and non-living matter, and the properties that constitute life can incorporate the notion of vitality as a philosophical concept.

   - **Ethics and Value Theory**: In ethical and value theory, vitality can be significant when considering the value of life, the moral status of living beings, and the qualities that make life worth living. Concepts of flourishing, well-being, and life force can all be related to the idea of vitality in these philosophical discussions [oai_citation:3,CLEPIC: Clinical Epigenetics International Conference 2024 - EpiGenie | Epigenetics, Stem Cell, and Synthetic Biology News](

3. **Integrative and Holistic Approaches**:

   - **Holistic Medicine and Ecology**: In fields like holistic medicine and deep ecology, vitality can be seen as an important concept that emphasizes the interconnectedness and holistic nature of living systems. This perspective values the complexity and integrative aspects of life that are not fully captured by reductionist approaches [oai_citation:4,Frontiers in Genetics | Epigenomics and Epigenetics](

   - **Eastern Philosophies**: Many Eastern philosophies and spiritual traditions, such as Taoism and Ayurveda, have long embraced concepts similar to vitality, such as qi or prana. These concepts emphasize the life force and energy flow that sustain living beings, offering a rich metaphysical framework for understanding life beyond materialistic explanations.

In conclusion, while vitalism as a scientific hypothesis has been rejected, the concept of vitality remains meaningful in philosophical discourse. It serves as a useful construct for exploring the qualitative, experiential, and holistic aspects of life that transcend purely physical descriptions.

Is vitalism an outdated concept, discarded by science, especially physics and chemistry already? (ChatGPT, 2024-6-22)

Vitalism is an outdated concept that has largely been discarded by modern science, particularly in the fields of physics and chemistry. Here’s a look at how and why this shift occurred:

1. **Definition and Historical Context**:

   - **Vitalism** is the belief that living organisms are fundamentally different from non-living entities because they possess some non-physical element or are governed by different principles than are inanimate things. Historically, this often implied the existence of a "vital force" that could not be explained by physical or chemical laws.

   - This concept was prominent in the 17th and 18th centuries and was supported by early scientists and philosophers who could not explain the complexity of life through known physical and chemical processes.

2. **Disproval by Science**:

   - **Chemistry**: The synthesis of urea by Friedrich Wöhler in 1828 is often cited as a critical blow to vitalism. Wöhler synthesized urea, an organic compound found in urine, from inorganic precursors (ammonium cyanate). This demonstrated that organic compounds could be created from inorganic substances, undermining the notion that a special "vital force" was necessary for organic synthesis [oai_citation:1,Frontiers in Genetics | Epigenomics and Epigenetics]( [oai_citation:2,CLEPIC: Clinical Epigenetics International Conference 2024 - EpiGenie | Epigenetics, Stem Cell, and Synthetic Biology News](

   - **Biology**: The discovery of the structure of DNA by Watson and Crick in 1953 provided a mechanistic explanation for heredity and biological processes, further dispelling the need for a vital force. The development of molecular biology has shown that life processes can be fully explained by interactions between molecules, governed by the same physical and chemical laws that apply to non-living matter.

   - **Physics**: Advances in thermodynamics and statistical mechanics have shown that the behavior of biological systems can be understood in terms of energy transformations and the principles of entropy. Life processes do not violate the laws of physics but instead operate within them.

3. **Modern Scientific Consensus**:

   - The overwhelming consensus in contemporary science is that all phenomena associated with life can be explained through biochemistry and biophysics. The concept of vitalism has no empirical support and is not considered a viable scientific hypothesis.

   - For example, the work on enzymes and metabolic pathways shows that biological reactions are catalyzed and regulated by proteins whose structures and functions can be understood through chemistry and physics [oai_citation:3,Frontiers in Genetics | Epigenomics and Epigenetics]( [oai_citation:4,CLEPIC: Clinical Epigenetics International Conference 2024 - EpiGenie | Epigenetics, Stem Cell, and Synthetic Biology News](

In summary, vitalism is considered an outdated concept in modern science. Advances in physics, chemistry, and biology have provided comprehensive explanations for the phenomena of life without invoking a special vital force, thereby relegating vitalism to the history of science rather than a contemporary scientific theory.

Vitalism (生機論) (negativity vs vitality)

Vitalism is a belief that starts from the premise that "living organisms are fundamentally different from non-living entities because they contain some non-physical element or are governed by different principles than are inanimate things."[1][a]

生機論(英語:Vitalism),又譯為生命主義生氣論活力論生機說生命力,是人類歷史上存在長久的科學哲學學說,現代版本是19世紀初由瑞典化學家貝采利烏斯Jöns Jacob Berzelius)提出。

一般認為「生命力」學說在1843至1845年間由德國化學家阿道夫·威廉·赫爾曼·科爾貝Adolph Wilhelm Hermann Kolbe)用二硫化碳通過幾步合成了乙酸後被推翻。[1]



  1. 有生命的活組織,它依循的是攸關生機的原理(vital principle),而不是生物化學反應或物理定理。
  2. 生命的運作,不只是依循物理化學定律。生命有自我決定的能力。

活力論認為生命擁有一種自我的力量(elan vital),或是稱為生命力(life-force)、生機脈衝(vital impulse)、生命活力(vital spark)、生命能量(energy)、甚至有些人稱此為靈魂。這種力量是非物質的,因此生命無法完全以物理化學方式來解釋它。




1773年,伊萊爾·羅埃爾(Hilaire Rouelle)發現尿素。1828年,弗里德里希·維勒首次使用無機物質氰酸鉀硫酸銨人工合成了尿素。本來他打算合成氰酸銨,卻得到了尿素。尿素是第一種以人工合成無機物質而得到的有機化合物。1843至1845年間由阿道夫·威廉·赫爾曼·科爾貝用二硫化碳通過幾步合成了乙酸。活力論從此被推翻。[1]

Division 45 Warrior Path Report Looks to Decolonize Psychology (2020)

Aiello, M., Bismar, D., Casanova, S., Casas, J. M., Chang, D., Chin, J. L., Comas-Díaz, L., Salvo Crane, L., Demir, Z., Garcia, M. A., Hita, L., Leverett, P., Mendez, K., Morse, G. S., shodiya-zeumault, s., O’Leary Sloan, M., Weil, M. C., & Blume, A. W. (2021). Protecting and defending our people: Nakni tushka anowa (The Warrior’s Path) final report. APA Division 45 Warrior’s Path Presidential Task Force (2020). Journal of Indigenous Research, 9(2021), Article 8.

American Psychological Association, Council Policy Manual (APA). (2021b). Apology to People of Color for APA’s role in promoting, perpetuating, and failing to challenge racism, racial discrimination, and human hierarchy in U.S. Resolution adopted by the APA Council of Representatives on October 29, 2021. about/policy/resolution-racism-apology.pdf.

Nakni tushka anowa (The Warrior's Path)

Is life analogical or digital? (ChatGPT, 2024-6-22)

The question of whether life is analogical or digital encompasses various perspectives from biology, neuroscience, and philosophy.

1. **Biological Perspective**:

   - **Analogical**: In many ways, life processes are continuous and analog in nature. Biological systems, such as the regulation of metabolic pathways, the continuous exchange of gases in respiration, and the gradients of ions across cell membranes, all involve continuous variables and analog processes. For instance, the concentration of neurotransmitters and hormones in the bloodstream varies continuously and affects physiological responses in an analog manner.

   - **Digital**: At the molecular level, life exhibits digital characteristics, especially in genetic information. DNA and RNA sequences are composed of discrete units (nucleotides) that store genetic information in a digital format. The process of transcription and translation converts this digital genetic information into functional proteins, which then participate in the analog biochemical processes of the cell [oai_citation:1,Cracking epigenetic inheritance: Biologists discovered the secrets of how gene traits are passed on | ScienceDaily]( [oai_citation:2,Insights in Genetics, Genomics and Epigenomics of Aging: 2024 | Frontiers Research Topic](

2. **Neuroscientific Perspective**:

   - **Analogical**: Neural processing involves continuous changes in membrane potentials and synaptic strengths, which can be seen as analog processes. For instance, the integration of synaptic inputs and the resulting generation of action potentials are influenced by continuous variables such as ion concentrations and membrane permeability.

   - **Digital**: Neurons also exhibit digital-like behavior when generating action potentials. An action potential is an all-or-none event, similar to a digital signal, and neural communication often relies on the frequency and pattern of these spikes, which can be compared to digital encoding of information [oai_citation:3,Cracking epigenetic inheritance: Biologists discovered the secrets of how gene traits are passed on | ScienceDaily](

3. **Philosophical Perspective**:

   - Some philosophers argue that life cannot be strictly categorized as analogical or digital. Instead, life encompasses elements of both. The analog-digital distinction might be seen as a simplification of the complex and multifaceted nature of biological and cognitive processes. Life processes can be seen as a blend of continuous and discrete events that cannot be fully captured by either analog or digital metaphors alone.

In summary, life is a complex interplay of both analogical and digital processes. At different levels of organization, from molecular genetics to physiological functions and neural processing, elements of both analog and digital paradigms coexist and interact to create the rich tapestry of living systems [oai_citation:4,Cracking epigenetic inheritance: Biologists discovered the secrets of how gene traits are passed on | ScienceDaily]( [oai_citation:5,Insights in Genetics, Genomics and Epigenomics of Aging: 2024 | Frontiers Research Topic](

What has epigenetics achieved so far? (ChatGPT, 2024-6-22)

Epigenetics has made substantial strides over the past decade, impacting a variety of fields from cancer treatment to aging research.

1. **Cancer Treatment**: Epigenetic mechanisms have been leveraged to improve early detection and predict disease progression in cancers. They are now critical in the development of new therapeutic targets, enhancing treatment strategies and outcomes [oai_citation:1,Epigenetics News -- ScienceDaily]( [oai_citation:2,CLEPIC: Clinical Epigenetics International Conference 2024 - EpiGenie | Epigenetics, Stem Cell, and Synthetic Biology News](

2. **Transgenerational Epigenetic Inheritance**: Researchers have uncovered how epigenetic changes can be passed across generations, influencing gene expression in offspring and even in subsequent generations. This discovery has profound implications for understanding hereditary traits and diseases [oai_citation:3,Cracking epigenetic inheritance: Biologists discovered the secrets of how gene traits are passed on | ScienceDaily](

3. **Aging and Age-Related Diseases**: Epigenomics has provided insights into the biological processes of aging, identifying epigenetic markers that influence the aging process and age-related diseases. This research is pivotal in developing interventions to improve health span and treat age-associated conditions [oai_citation:4,Insights in Genetics, Genomics and Epigenomics of Aging: 2024 | Frontiers Research Topic](

4. **Epigenetics in Neurodevelopment and Mental Health**: Epigenetic studies have shed light on the role of epigenetic modifications in brain development and function. This research helps in understanding psychiatric disorders and developing potential epigenetic therapies [oai_citation:5,Frontiers in Genetics | Epigenomics and Epigenetics](

5. **Epigenetic Regulation in Metabolic Diseases**: Studies have identified epigenetic changes associated with metabolic diseases like diabetes and obesity. These findings are guiding the development of new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for managing these conditions [oai_citation:6,Epigenetics News -- ScienceDaily](

These advancements underscore the versatility of epigenetics in transforming our understanding and treatment of complex biological processes and diseases.

What has precision psychiatry achieved so far? (ChatGPT, 2024-6-22)

Precision psychiatry, which tailors mental health treatment based on individual biological differences, has achieved several significant milestones over the past decade:

1. **Biotyping and Personalized Treatment**: Researchers at Stanford University have developed methods to categorize patients with depression and anxiety into specific biotypes using functional MRI scans. This allows clinicians to bypass ineffective treatments and directly offer therapies that are more likely to work for each patient's unique brain circuitry [oai_citation:1,Finding personalized approaches to treating mental illness]( [oai_citation:2,Designing psychiatric care to precisely match patients' biology - Scope](

2. **Personalized Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)**: Advances in TMS have enabled personalized targeting of brain areas based on individual functional connectivity. This approach has shown improved treatment efficacy and safety by focusing magnetic stimulation on precisely identified neural targets [oai_citation:3,Personalized TMS for Psychiatric Disorders: Targeting Functional Connectivity (FC) in the Brain (2024 Review) - MentalHealthDaily](

3. **Predictive Models and Digital Approaches**: Precision psychiatry has also integrated machine learning models to predict treatment responses and relapse risks. Digital tools, including passive and active data collection methods like smartphone usage patterns and experience sampling, are being used to gather real-time data, enhancing the ecological validity of assessments [oai_citation:4,The potential of precision psychiatry: what is in reach? | The British Journal of Psychiatry | Cambridge Core](

4. **Integration of Advanced Neuroimaging**: By combining clinical data with advanced neuroimaging and computational models, researchers have identified subgroups within psychiatric disorders that respond differently to various treatments. This stratification helps in developing targeted therapies, improving overall treatment outcomes [oai_citation:5,The potential of precision psychiatry: what is in reach? | The British Journal of Psychiatry | Cambridge Core](

5. **Development of New Therapies**: The insights gained from precision psychiatry have led to the exploration and development of novel treatment options, including both pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions, tailored to the specific needs of patients based on their biotypes [oai_citation:6,Finding personalized approaches to treating mental illness]( [oai_citation:7,Designing psychiatric care to precisely match patients' biology - Scope](

These advancements underscore the potential of precision psychiatry to transform mental health care by providing more effective, personalized treatments and improving the lives of those with psychiatric conditions.

Friday, June 21, 2024

What were the major achievements of psychopharmacology in the last decade? (ChatGPT, 2024-6-21)

Over the past decade, psychopharmacology has witnessed several major achievements that have significantly impacted the field and improved patient outcomes:

1. **Advances in Antipsychotic Medications**: New drugs, including centrally acting glutamate-altering compounds and protein kinase-C inhibitors like tamoxifen, have shown promise in treating conditions such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Additionally, the use of neurosteroids and cannabinoids has been explored for their potential in treating anxiety, depression, and addiction [oai_citation:1,Psychopharmacology in the Decade Ahead](

2. **Psychedelic-Assisted Therapies**: The resurgence of interest in psychedelics, such as psilocybin and MDMA, has led to groundbreaking research demonstrating their efficacy in treating conditions like PTSD, depression, and anxiety, especially in patients with life-threatening diseases. These substances are being integrated into psychotherapy, providing new avenues for treatment [oai_citation:2,Psychedelic innovations and the crisis of psychopharmacology | BioSocieties](

3. **CRISPR and Gene Editing**: Although primarily known for its applications in genetics, CRISPR technology has also opened new possibilities in psychopharmacology by allowing precise modifications to genes associated with psychiatric disorders. This could lead to personalized treatments based on an individual's genetic makeup [oai_citation:3,The 5 most groundbreaking scientific achievements of the decade](

4. **Long-Acting Injectable Medications**: Innovations in drug delivery, such as long-acting injectable antipsychotics and other psychotropic medications, have improved adherence and outcomes for patients with chronic psychiatric conditions. These advancements help mitigate the issues of non-compliance and reduce the frequency of hospitalizations [oai_citation:4,Psychopharmacology in the Decade Ahead](

5. **Integration of Technology in Treatment**: The use of telemedicine and digital health tools has become more prevalent, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. These technologies facilitate remote monitoring and management of psychiatric conditions, making mental health care more accessible and efficient [oai_citation:5,Psychopharmacology in the Decade Ahead]( [oai_citation:6,A decade in review: 7 exciting healthcare breakthroughs | UCLA Health](

These achievements reflect a broader trend towards personalized and integrative approaches in psychopharmacology, leveraging both new pharmacological discoveries and technological innovations to improve mental health care.

Biogenesis: Theories of Life's Origin (Noam Lahav, 1999)


phylogenetic tree

系統發生樹phylogenetic tree)又稱為種系發生樹、親緣關係樹,或演化樹(evolutionary tree),是一種呈現不同物種或是同物種不同族群的個體之間親緣關係的樹狀圖。

三域系統(three-domain system)是由美國微生物學家和生物物理學卡爾·烏斯等人在1990年提出的生物分類系統[1][2],將所有細胞生命都歸分於三大分類階元之下,即古菌域(Archaea)、細菌域(Bacteria)和真核域(Eukarya)。

書目 (negativity vs vitality)

The Fifth Miracle: The Search for the Origin and Meaning of Life (Paul Davies, 1999);Life on the Edge: The Coming of Age of Quantum Biology (Johnjoe McFadden, Jim Al-Khalili, 2015);What is Life? (Erwin Schrödinger, 1944);The Cosmos: Astronomy in the New Millennium 5e (Jay M. PasachoffAlex Filippenko, 2019);Meeting the Universe Halfway: Quantum Physics and the Entanglement of Matter and Meaning (Karen Barad, 2007);The Five Ages of the Universe: Inside the Physics of Eternity (Fred C. AdamsGreg Laughlin, 1999);The Art of Being Posthuman: Who Are We in the 21st Century? (Francesca Ferrando, 2024);Origins of Existence: How Life Emerged in the Universe (Fred C. AdamsIan Schoenherr  (Illustrator), 2002)


The Myth of Sisyphus (Le mythe de Sisyphe) (1942)

It is during that return, that pause, that Sisyphus interests me.