Entelechy (entelechia) (
圓滿實現, 生命原理) 圓極Entelechy, in Greek entelécheia, was coined by Aristotle and transliterated in Latinas entelechia. According to Sachs (1995, p. 245):
Sachs therefore proposed a complex neologism of his own, "being-at-work-staying-the-same."[17] Another translation in recent years is "being-at-an-end" (which Sachs has also used).[2]
Entelecheia, as can be seen by its derivation, is a kind of completeness, whereas "the end and completion of any genuine being is its being-at-work" (energeia). The entelecheia is a continuous being-at-work (energeia) when something is doing its complete "work". For this reason, the meanings of the two words converge, and they both depend upon the idea that every thing's "thinghood" is a kind of work, or in other words a specific way of being in motion. All things that exist now, and not just potentially, are beings-at-work, and all of them have a tendency towards being-at-work in a particular way that would be their proper and "complete" way.[17]
Sachs explains the convergence of energeia and entelecheia as follows, and uses the word actuality to describe the overlap between them:[2]