Yes, the phrase “Process Over Structure” (or “becoming over being”) indeed serves as a powerful link across Whitehead’s process philosophy, psychoanalytic field theories, quantum worldviews, and poststructuralism. Each of these frameworks emphasizes dynamic, relational processes over static entities or fixed structures, highlighting a worldview centered on fluidity, change, and interdependence. Here’s how this idea connects them:
1. Whitehead’s Process Philosophy: Alfred North Whitehead’s process philosophy is foundational to the idea of “becoming over being.” Whitehead proposed that reality is composed not of static objects but of “occasions of experience,” events that come into existence through their relationships. He viewed existence as an interconnected web of processes rather than a collection of discrete, unchanging entities. This idea of a constantly unfolding reality aligns with the concept of process over structure, focusing on the fluidity of existence.
2. Psychoanalytic Field Theories: In psychoanalytic field theories, the therapeutic relationship is seen as an evolving field, where patient and analyst are co-creators of a dynamic psychological space. Field theories emphasize process by viewing change as emerging from relational interactions rather than from fixed psychic structures. This approach highlights the “becoming” aspect of identity, where the self is seen as a fluid process co-constituted in relationship with others. Like process philosophy, it stresses relational dynamics and the ongoing nature of identity formation, fitting squarely within a process-centered worldview.
3. Quantum Worldviews: In quantum mechanics, the nature of particles is fundamentally processual. Quantum entities exist as probabilities, only “becoming” in a particular state when observed. This undermines the classical notion of fixed, inherent properties and instead suggests a world of interconnected, indeterminate potentials. Quantum entanglement, where particles remain connected regardless of distance, also aligns with a process-oriented view, as relationships rather than isolated structures define reality. The quantum worldview, therefore, embraces “becoming over being,” emphasizing that existence itself is relational and continuously unfolding.
4. Poststructuralism: Poststructuralism fundamentally challenges the idea of stable structures or essences, proposing that meanings, identities, and truths are not fixed but are instead fluid and contingent. Thinkers like Derrida and Deleuze emphasize that meaning is perpetually deferred, always in a state of “becoming” rather than ever reaching a final state of “being.” In this way, poststructuralism aligns with the idea of process over structure, seeing language, identity, and meaning as dynamic, ever-shifting constructs that resist closure.
5. Shared Emphasis on Relationality and Interdependence: Across these fields, a common theme is the emphasis on relationality and interdependence. Whitehead’s philosophy, psychoanalytic field theory, quantum mechanics, and poststructuralism all propose that entities or identities are not self-contained but are defined by their relationships and interactions. This interconnectedness suggests a universe where “process” is foundational—where everything is in relation, and nothing is fully self-sufficient or static.
6. “Becoming” as Ethical and Epistemological Orientation: This process-centered perspective also introduces an ethical and epistemological orientation that values openness, adaptability, and responsiveness. Whether in therapy, philosophy, or science, embracing “process over structure” encourages a view that prioritizes change, flexibility, and sensitivity to context. In poststructuralism and field theory, for instance, this approach advocates for ethics rooted in responsiveness and relationality rather than rigid principles.
In essence, “Process Over Structure” or “becoming over being” is a thread that unites these diverse fields by rejecting fixed, isolated entities and instead viewing reality as an evolving, interconnected web of relationships and processes. This perspective highlights a worldview that is dynamic, relational, and grounded in the constant unfolding of possibilities, echoing across philosophy, psychoanalysis, physics, and poststructuralist thought. It suggests that understanding reality means engaging with the fluidity of experience, where meaning, identity, and existence are always in flux.