Saturday, July 9, 2016



"For somehow we know by instinct that outsize buildings cast the shadow of their own destruction before them, and are designed from the first with an eye to their later existence as ruins." (w.g. sebald)

sebald的意思是說做人不要超過它的大小(larger than life)大話就是超過它的大小的話現代文明就是超過它的大小的文明超過它的大小終為廢墟(what we do here, is not meant to endure)這句話台灣人聽不懂

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"... if the reader is willing to submit, the author's sensibility will carry him toward ever more tangled and distressing tales of decay, entropy, and destruction." (the emergence of memory: conversations with w. g. sebald, kindle location 69/2218)

Austerlitz "must find someone to whom he could tell his own story ... and for which he needed the kind of listener I had been." (ibid, kindle location 140/2218)

"... he spends sleepless, despairing nights in bleak hotel rooms" (ibid, kindle location 99/2218)

Toward the end of his story, Austerlitz gives the narrator the key to his apartment, passing on his life for safekeeping. The novel is the key Sebald passes on to us. (ibid, kindle location 144/2218)


mélange: a mixture often of incongruous elements

"An exiled German painter in The Emigrants, loves the accumulation of dust in his studio ..." (ibid, kindle location 128/2218)