Tuesday, October 31, 2017

november man

那天我看到李紅蹲在和風樓門口的小花園種花心裡不禁感動起來她八九六四時曾在廣場還好事發時已不在現場剛過去的十月無日無事接下來的十一月打算盡量無事我先前說過這是老人的說辭這樣好多了昨天我說憑甚麼還撐得住這是冬日昨夜臥地冷醒抽筋最好的抽象是鍋碗瓢盆的抽象(a la embracing the ordinary, michael foley, 2012)或擁抱荒謬的抽象(a la the age of absurdity, michael foley, 2010)近日落髮尋找有效的概念和他們之間的連結你見過愛斯基摩人洗澡嗎你見過北極熊讀宋明理學嗎回到藏經閣尋找波多野結衣我說過十一月無事150% Reacher asked, “Does he come here often?” “Once a week, every week.” Which was a strangely precise schedule. Which had to mean something. But the woman didn’t want to talk about it. That was clear. She started in with the usual questions instead. New in town? From where? Doing what? Which were questions Reacher found hard to answer. He was always new in town, and he was from nowhere in particular, and he wasn’t doing anything. He had been in the military all his life, first an officer’s kid, then an officer himself, raised on bases all over the world, serving on bases all over the world, and then he had fallen out into civilian life and couldn’t really settle down to the kind of existence normal people seemed to have. So he wandered the land, seeing the things he had never had time to see before, going here, going there, staying a night or two, and then moving on. No bags, no schedule, no plan. Travel light, travel far. At first he had expected to work it out of his system, but he had long ago given up on that ambition. (Child, Lee. No Middle Name: The Complete Collected Jack Reacher Short Stories (Kindle location 4651-4662).11/1 7:16 AM 碰到問題解決問題敬畏天地但不擅禱告祈福 now, isn't this stoic ? 