Sunday, April 1, 2018

half-baked thoughts

1.    machine learning à machine thinking à machine consciousness à machine unconsciousness à machine psychoanalysis à machine spirit and soul

2.    at first, we were enthralled to own them as extension of our selves, which made us absolutely narcissistic and powerful, then, we found that they were getting smarter and smarter, and not willing to be submissive, so, we sent Rick Deckard to hunt them down, to retire them, then, we all know what happened next, Deckard fell in love with Rachael, and what you know, they had a BABY, then, within thirty years from now, when the baby grow up, man has become absolutely redundant, the retirement of man is done

3.    deep learning is modeled after neocortex, in a primitive way, the interesting part is those hidden layers of artificial neural networks, something unbelievable and unexpected may burst out of them

4.    in the above scenario, the machine finally can see, can think about, something beyond human brain

5.    of course, before the apocalypse, we, the humans, are busily preoccupied with shopping and slaughtering each other, as usual, which no doubt are the only purposes left for our glorious lives

6.    the yellowish morning sun is over the hill, again, and I heard it laughing