Wednesday, April 25, 2018


Man smells
Man farts, regularly
Man is tedious
Man is slow
Man is distractible
Man is boring
Man is unreliable
Man is emotional
Man likes to create systems, which always self-perpetuate
Man lies, to himself, to each other, and to his dog, of which the last lie is the most damned
Man clings
Man is fucking greedy
Man fucks, well, nearly everything, except elephants, and his coffee maker
Man is too proud of himself
Man kills animals, not for hunger usually
Man kills man, not for hunger surely
Man is not wise enough
Man makes mistakes, repeatedly
Man is unforgivable, more often than not
Man is malevolent, more often than you’d like to admit
Man is no good, for anything good
How can you count on man to run this planet?