Thursday, July 2, 2020

Building and Dwelling: Ethics for the City (Richard Sennett, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2018)

A preeminent thinker redefines the meaning of city life and charts a way forward

Building and Dwelling is the definitive statement on cities by the renowned public intellectual Richard Sennett. In this sweeping work, he traces the anguished relation between how cities are built and how people live in them, from ancient Athens to twenty-first-century Shanghai. He shows how Paris, Barcelona, and New York City assumed their modern forms; rethinks the reputations of Jane Jacobs, Lewis Mumford, and others; and takes us on a tour of emblematic contemporary locations, from the backstreets of Medellín, Colombia, to the Google headquarters in Manhattan. Through it all, he laments that the “closed city”―segregated, regimented, and controlled―has spread from the global North to the exploding urban agglomerations of the global South. As an alternative, he argues for the “open city,” where citizens actively hash out their differences and planners experiment with urban forms that make it easier for residents to cope. Rich with arguments that speak directly to our moment―a time when more humans live in urban spaces than ever before―Building and Dwelling draws on Sennett’s deep learning and intimate engagement with city life to form a bold and original vision for the future of cities. (amazon) 

我心目中的城市規劃是種很多很多很多樹樓高不過十二給每一個房間留下陽光和風雨堅持永久棟距大量留白下水道需大到可以住人街上需有貓狗我說的是流浪貓狗你要記得卡謬說過流浪貓不見的時候瘟疫就開始了當然包括他們身上的跳蚤意思是說生態是完整的我不反對偶而可以見到蛇我說的是曼哈頓四十二街還有就是千萬不可以像蔡奇那個渾蛋那樣人文關懷修整天際線驅趕低端人口恰恰就是他所謂的低端人口才是城市活力的生命跡象意思是說中南海裡趙家人和供他們洩慾的婊子狗皮倒灶比跳蚤和蛇都不如你要記得他們說他們是龍的傳人當然八九六四屠城後他們搖身一變變成狼不要忘記這是活活噬人的狼不是流浪的狼我喜歡荒野中流浪的喜歡讀存在哲學的狼雖然我知道狼是群居的簡單講趙家人黨性至上滅絕人性他媽的B比他媽的畜牲都不如你就住得住 (dwelling) 當然是海德格用的字