These ponderings attempt to let themselves be appropriated by the event. (Beiträge zur Philosophie (Vom Ereignis), Martin Heidegger, 1936–38/1989)
An electron particle, for example, exists as an energy point when and only when it is observed. Just as what is repressed is known, that is, comes into being, by being identified, i.e., by being interpreted. (Gargiulo, 2010, p. 5)
那如果,只是 identified ,或 recognized,而沒有解釋呢,
意思是說,identified 不等於 interpreted,
這樣算不算,符合 quantum sensibility ,的心理治療,
I believe that the collapse of wave function model can be a useful analogy for what we are doing in clinical practice, when we make an interpretation. When an analyst brings his or her total emotional/feeling, intellectual and physical presence in response to what is likewise brought by the patient - (I include all the vicissitudes of projective identification on both sides) - and selects, by conscious intention, or by creative surprise, to bring something into more conscious focus, to give an interpretation of what is not available to the patient’s full awareness, then, from a clinical perspective, we can speak of creating the repressed unconscious. The interpretation makes what was potentially real, - actually real, very similar to what the collapse of the wave function achieves. (pp. 8-9)
意思是說,最好的治療,是 collapse of wave function 後,resume the wave function ,
The world of larger and larger objects destroys what is referred to as coherent superposition. Decoherence washes out, [according to Bell, 1987] quantum entanglement; putting previously entangled objects into a state where they behave as separate objects (p.xxxiv). (p. 14)
意思是說,decoherence 製造了,存有的幻象,
什麼是 decoherence,decoherence 就是人為造作,
I didn't know she was there, when I was going to Cincinnati.
Six years later, I was there, and the bullet holes, and blood stains, were still there too. That day, I went to see Mao's corpse, and raised my middle finger toward that asshole.
Interestingly, he was taught by Theodore Reik, when he was young.
Sullivan was influenced by Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle here.
這個概念,預見了 mutually ,
你要理解,十年,是什麼意思,一般的說法是,我們的記憶,只有十年,這裡的記憶,指的是政治記憶 (political memory) ,以韓國的制度,總統一任五年,不得續任,記憶的節奏會更快,中國大陸的溢越的十年,指的是 2008-2018,台灣的溢越的十年,是 1990-2000,溢越之後,必逢緊縮限制,中國的情形,與習折騰敗家有關,你要思考,溢越的時候,你在做什麼,限制的時候,你又在做什麼,中國人最大的問題出在,從眾性太高,這個現象,台灣也有,但比起以前,已有進步,孔子和葉問說,溢越限制溢越限制,各兩回後,你就會成熟,意思是說,中國還要二十五年,台灣還要十年,才會成熟,你要理解,好的關係,是兩個成熟的人之間的關係,依此,治療關係,壓根不是好的關係,成熟的意思是說,我知道我是誰,你知道你是誰,我知道你是誰,你知道我是誰,這四個知道之後,我們還決定在一起,表示我容忍你,你容忍我,也表示,我不想改變你,你不想改變我,意思是說,我可以做我,你可以做你,意思是說,即使在一起,沒有妨礙,雙方各自,仍然是自己,至此,你可以理解,這個世界,好的關係,理應如此罕見,
奇異吸子(Strange attractor),也稱奇異吸引子,是具有分形結構的吸子。當動態系統發生混沌現象時,相空間分析常出現奇異吸子;然而奇異吸子也在非混沌的情形出現。若一奇異吸子是混沌的,則其對初始條件敏感。也就是任意兩個極為接近的初始點,在一定數量的疊代運算後,兩者可以相距甚遠;也可以再經過一定數量的疊代運算後又變得極為靠近。也因此,一個具有混沌吸子的動力系統在局域是不穩定,然而廣域來看卻可以是穩定的,因為這些動態點再怎么彼此分離,也都不會離開吸子。(上述,豈不就是,移情的描述)
推薦序畢,周日晚快篩,明補給,量子物理,與哲學之交涉,知識論,倫理學,本體論,詮釋學,我相信,易經的世界,就是量子物理,和混沌理論,意思是說,十翼,乃古人,據之而發抒,遂以為物之世界,等同人間秩序,這明顯是,聯想過多,吳汝鈞純粹力動現象學,似乎沒有說清,pure vitalism ,能量,以至變化由何而來,意思是說,亦需量子物理,方知其機制,Bohr 依齊克果,有追求無神之神學意涵,意思是說,量子物理,有神學,和美學,意涵,但你要理解,Bohr 協助曼哈頓計劃,做出原子彈,廣島長崎,遂為人間煉獄,且戰後,他似乎促成,將製造原子彈的技術,與史達林共享,這件事,讓我疑惑不解,意思是說,廿世紀,最大的罪惡,尚且非法西斯,實乃共產主義,顯然他被騙了,就像左翼知識份子,被騙赴延安朝聖一樣,意思是說,共產黨擅謊言,狡猾得像泥鰍,套句倪匡的話,寧信婊子,莫信共匪,倪匡說,為了說這句話,他跟妓女道歉,他其實喜歡妓女,這點,於我心有戚戚焉,妓女是人類的母親,共匪不是人,豈可同日而語,總之,莫信之,可見熟諳世俗,方為智慧,抽象聰明,實為象牙塔裡蠢貨,
What if you could open a book and learn the tools to "see" into the human psyche? Could finding solutions to psychological problems be as clear cut as taking aspirin for a headache, or splinting a leg that is broken? Would you like to know the barriers that prevent mental health professionals from effectively treating their clients? Are you curious to know why some psychotherapists are fabulously successful with their clients while others just get by? The author struggled with these questions for many years before discovering Quantum Physics and The Law of Attraction.
Quantum Physics states that nothing is fixed, that no limitations exist, and that everything is energy that vibrates. Further, you, a human being, are an extension of source energy. The Law of Attraction dictates that you bring into your life what you focus upon.
Many people may have heard about these two concepts from the DVD and book The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. The author takes you to the next level by providing you with a simple, yet comprehensive tool, The Quantum Psychotherapy Template™, which is based on Quantum Physics and The Law of Attraction.
The author provides you with prerequisites that must be addressed before utilizing The Quantum Psychotherapy Template™, and sample vignettes which demonstrate how to apply the template to problems clients may encounter in their lives.
In addition to using Quantum Psychotherapy Template™ in psychotherapy, the author outlines how to use the template in related fields of Employee Assistance Programs, Management Consultation, Life Coaching and Building Your Business. (paperback ordered via Abebooks 2022-7-31)
In Quantum Psychoanalysis: Essays on Physics, Mind ,and Analysis Today Gerald J. Gargiulo seeks to align psychoanalytic theory with physic’s new probabilistic conception of the physical world and, in so doing, to provide psychoanalytic clinicians with a needed new metapsychology to support current intersubjective perspectives. The post-modern conception of quantum physics has called into question the certainty of classical physics, which sought law-like patterns of physical forces in a physical world of absolute categories that exist independent of subjective interpretation.
It is well known that the new clinical theories that have emerged in psychoanalysis since Freud, as a result of treatment experiences with a wider variety of patients, have not fit well with his original underlying metapsychological categories (e.g., id, ego, superego) and his explanations of competing energic forces (e.g., repression, repetition compulsion), which he created out of the modernist view of Newtonian (classical) physics of his time. Although the post-Freudian theories of object relations, self psychologies and relational psychotherapies have their differences, all share a contemporary focus on the indeterminacy of interactions between two subjectivities—patient and therapist---as they engage in mutual interpretation to create particular realities.
Invoking the new concepts and categories from quantum physics (e.g., non-locality, entanglement), Gargiulo presents a post-modern perspective that provides a new vocabulary for psychoanalysts and psychodynamic therapists to conceptualize how the mind works in interaction with the world and other minds, one that will resonate with their clinical experiences.
Readers of Quantum Psychoanalysis Essays on Physics, Mind, and Analysis Today will find fresh perspectives on the therapeutic processes that define contemporary clinical treatment. As readers engage with Gargiulo’s use of metaphors from quantum physics they will discover potentialities for new metapsychological insights, moving psychoanalytic theory closer to 21st century science.
Bonnie Litowitz, Ph.D.
French philosophy changed dramatically in the second quarter of the twentieth century. In the wake of World War I and, later, the Nazi and Soviet disasters, major philosophers such as Kojève, Levinas, Heidegger, Koyré, Sartre, Merleau-Ponty, and Hyppolite argued that man could no longer fill the void left by the "death of God" without also calling up the worst in human history and denigrating the dignity of the human subject. In response, they contributed to a new belief that man should no longer be viewed as the basis for existence, thought, and ethics; rather, human nature became dependent on other concepts and structures, including Being, language, thought, and culture. This argument, which was to be paramount for existentialism and structuralism, came to dominate postwar thought. This intellectual history of these developments argues that at their heart lay a new atheism that rejected humanism as insufficient and ultimately violent.
The key word here is “relational ontology”, which I think, is also the key word for relational psychoanalysis. And I wonder if Bohr’s complementarity has anything to do with it too.
Poul Martin Møller (21 March 1794 – 13 March 1838)[1] was a Danish academic, writer, and poet. During his lifetime, he gained renown in Denmark for his poetry. After his death, his posthumously published fiction and philosophical writings were well received. He also devoted several decades of study to classical languages and literature. While serving as a professor at the University of Copenhagen, he was a mentor to the philosopher Søren Kierkegaard.[2]
Though unfinished, Møller's novel Adventures of a Danish Student also gained lasting fame. It tells the comedic story of the romantic escapades of an eccentric student and his philosophical musings. Years later it became a favorite book of the Danish physicist and thinker Niels Bohr, who often quoted it during lectures.[10][11
Quantum device points the way toward an exponential boost in “smart” computing capabilities (1978)
2019年4月7日的港台節目「時代的記錄 - 鏗鏘說」中,倪匡接受石永泰訪問,談及曾經寫過一篇具寓言性的科幻小說叫《追龍》,故事說東方有一個城市將會滅亡,原因不是什麼天災,而是因其優點盡失,坦言故事中的城市就是失去自由的香港,並在節目上澄清無講過「妓女比共產黨更可信」,解釋自己「很尊重妓女」、「呢句話對妓女十分侮辱」。[20]
2014年,已宣佈封筆的倪匡,破例為《倪匡傳:哈哈哈哈》作序,以「此生將盡,兩句話可以概括,曰:七八十年皓皓粼粼無為日,五六千萬炎炎詹詹荒唐言」總結一生[22]。晚年的倪匡因身體欠佳、行動不便而深居簡出。2019年3月,當時已83歲的倪匡在給友人的詩《八三自況》寫道「舉步維艱一衰翁,氣若游絲周身痛,柱杖手震傍墻立,眊眊四顧皆朦朧」,另一詩是「上牙痛、下腳腫、後飊血,前流膿」,詩末言「百病纏身 命在旦夕」[23],自封「匕翁」,意指死了一大半,「死不討厭,病才討厭,種種病都是困擾」[24]。倪匡最後一次公開露面,是出席2019年7月21日舉行的香港書展專題講座,當日他透露自己患有皮膚癌,令味覺漸失十分難受,但自覺很快與疾病「同歸於盡」,故不打算做手術化療。
Dirac was regarded by his friends and colleagues as unusual in character. In a 1926 letter to Paul Ehrenfest, Albert Einstein wrote of Dirac, "I have trouble with Dirac. This balancing on the dizzying path between genius and madness is awful." In another letter concerning the Compton effect he wrote, "I don't understand Dirac at all."