Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Complexity theory as the parent science of Psychoanalysis (Stanley Palombo, 2007) (後結構主義和心理治療)

Stanley Palombo (2007). Chapter One: Complexity theory as the parent science of Psychoanalysis, in Self Organizing Complexity in Psychological Systems, (ed) C. piers, P. Muller & J. Brent, Jason Aaronson, 2007

See also

Stanley Palombo (1999). The Emergent Ego: Complexity and Coevolution in the Psychoanalytic Process, IUP.

「self-organizing events」 

It is still difficult for many people to think of the making of a new object without a conscious human (or superhuman) agent working at it from the top level down. The idea of new properties emerging without the act of a conscious agent has an uncanny feel to it. Complexity theory shows us that in the world of nature, new objects are made through the nonlinear interactions of objects that already exist.

The Edge of Chaos

Reorganization is the bootstrapping procedure that makes evolution possible and makes it progressive.
A nonlethal mutation that fails to give an organism (or a species) a better ability to reorganize is biologically irrelevant.

In the same way, a psychoanalytic intervention that does not contribute to the potential of the patient's mental contents for reorganization is not therapeutic. 

Sudden and surprising changes in a patient during analysis are evidence of phase changes in the structure of his mental contents.

Phase changes occur in complex systems in a configuration office called the "edge of chaos".

One function of the psychoanalytic setting and the therapeutic relationship is to lead the patient's mental activity as close as possible to the edge of chaos, where there is an optional balance between structure and mobility.

所以,Michael Balint 在 Basic Fault,所描述的,從風平浪靜,到驚天駭浪,就是 edge of chaos,突然乍現,意思是說,其實那是一個,一探鬼魅地府的機會,機會的前提是,雙方都可以倖存,當然這個前提,沒有保證成立,


Change in psychoanalysis results from an increase in the connectedness and complexity of the patient's mental contents. (This is in contrast with pharmacotherapy, when aims for a tonic and temporary change in the patient's overall state of mind.)