Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Ontogenesis (個體發生學)(後結構主義和心理治療)


Affect, People, and Digital Social Networks

Adam Nash, in Emotions, Technology, and Social Media, 2016

Ontogenesis and Individuation

Simondon's philosophy of ontogenesis and individuation was very influential on Gilles Deleuze (Iliadis, 2013), who has himself been very influential on affect theory. It is Deleuze, along with Guattari, Spinoza, and Bergson, who Patricia Clough invokes to envisage a new concept of a body that is expanded through digitization and informationally open to its environment. In this, Clough is echoing similar philosophies to Luciana Parisi, Rosi Braidotti, and, most notably, Anna Munster. Such philosophies are inspired by Deleuze's concept of the virtual and his reading of Spinoza's definition of bodies as “compositions of relations” (Deleuze, 1988, p. 124) and therefore of affect that may not be reduced to physical interactions. This is in apparent contrast with contemporary neuroscience. Much of Deleuze's thinking about the virtual/actual continuum and becoming is heavily influenced by Simondon's ontogenetic philosophy of the metastable preindividual, transduction, and individuation. 


A New Individuation: Deleuze's Simondon ConnectionIliad (Iliadis, 2013)



The ontogenesis of narrative: from moving to meaning (2015)

Relational Ontology

起因是,上午跟謝君說,BwO,objet a,講的分明就是 ontogenesis,而且我說,最大的謎,其實是,這原本是一個「物」的世界,「心」究竟何以發生,我稍早說過,這是「心學」最大的謎,熊十力一輩子,只講了八個字,體用不二,翕闢成變,唐君毅晚年,寫的,生命存在與心靈境界,就是要為心學的發生的必要性和必然性立論,我說,人類的大腦,硬體配備的演化,百萬年前,即已具備,這個大腦,分明就是一個巨大的混沌系統,其突觸總數,比宇宙星辰還要多,意思是說,「心」就誕生於,那個混沌,而,objet a,明顯是處理慾望,換句話說,就是那個混沌的能量,等同於佛家講的無明,或精神分析講的 Id(das Es),(但是,佛洛依德搞錯了,勃起很費勁,當然是能量的表現,但能量不只是性(sexuality) 而已,你要理解,能量和充血有關,但不是只有性器官會充血,比如說,大腦的血流量就十分驚人,運動員的肌肉的充血量亦然)(換句話說,古典精神分析,物大於心,客體關係理論,心大於物,拉岡桑既然這麼強調回到佛洛依德,又這麼 phallocentrism,所以也是物大於心)(所謂物大於心,是指物是最後的命運所繫,biology is the destiny) (在後人類的世界,物大於心,當然就是,machine is the destiny),依此,objet a,是能量概念,非客體關係概念而已,所以畢竟與 transitional object 或 selfobject 有異,反過來說,客體關係理論,和自體心理學,畢竟沒有正視那個能量,而是把那個能量,歸約於關係來論述,再者,上午也提到,Ontogenesis 的數學是混沌理論,物理學是量子理論,意思是說,那是文字不可及之處,我們需要數字,但反過來講,心學的誕生,說明那是數字不可及之處,我們需要文字,曾經把文字和數學玩在一起,而且玩得很好的,當然就是拉岡桑和 Badiou,德勒茲的 fold,可否視為數學,我不知道,你不要忘記,Jack Reacher 不是文字人 (word man),是數字人 (number man),所以他說話,句子都很短,比如說,「shit happens,life goes on」,