Monday, July 11, 2022

PQR (St Pierre, 2014) (後結構主義和心理治療)

CHQM (conventional humanist qualitative methodology)

... to show people that they are much freer than they feel (dare) (Foucault, 1982/1988, p. 10) (my italics)

... the critique of humanist ontology is driving much post qualitative inquiry

... one can no longer think things as one formerly thought them, [and] transformation becomes both very urgent, very difficult and quite possible. (Foucault, 1988, p. 155) (italics mine)

MacLure (2011) noted that"post-structural theory has often failed to make a difference to the mundane practices of research and the kind of knowledge that it produces" (p. 998), and I think that's because, we abandon the assumptions that organize "post" theory in order to insert our work into the recognizable, comfortable structure of humanist qualitative methodology. After all, what's one to do with post-structural theory in empirical research? Where's that textbook? Where's that "research design"?

I assure them that if they've studied the theory carefully their "methodology" will follow.

意思是說,post 論述,不管那是,postmodern,poststructuralism ,還是 posthuman ,都是會讓人上癮的新興藥物 (NPS),意思是說,開眼後,你就回不到,原來的世界了,

PQR 和後結構主義的心理治療,有何關係,後者是否可以參考前者,有趣的是,前者似乎沒有例子可舉,